Page:Arabian Nights (Sterrett).djvu/205

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see are to assist at the cavalcade to the palace, where the ceremony is to be solemnized.”

Aladdin’s mother, on hearing this ran home very quickly. “Child,” cried she, “you are undone! The sultan’s fine promises will come to nought. This night the grand vizier’s son is to marry the Princess Buddir al Buddoor.”

Aladdin was thunderstruck. However, he bethought himself of the lamp, and of the genie who had promised to obey him; and without indulging in idle words against the sultan, the vizier, or his son, he determined, if possible, to prevent the marriage.

He went into his chamber, took the lamp, rubbed it in the same place as before, when immediately the genie appeared, and said to him, “What wouldst thou have? I am ready to obey thee as thy slave; I, and the other slaves of the lamp.” “Hear me,” said Aladdin; “thou hast hitherto obeyed me, but now I am about to impose on thee a harder task. The sultan’s daughter, who was promised me as my bride, is this night married to the son of the grand vizier. Bring them both hither to me immediately they retire to their bedchamber.”

“Master,” replied the genie, “I obey thee.”

Aladdin supped with his mother as was their wont, and then went to his own room, and sat up to await the return of the genie.

In the mean time the festivities in honor of the princess’s