Page:Arabian Nights (Sterrett).djvu/251

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The Adventures of the Caliph Haroun
al Raschid

The Caliph Haroun al Raschid was accustomed to visit the city of Bagdad in disguise, that he might see into the condition of the people, and hear their reports of his court and government. On one such occasion, he and his grand vizier Giafar disguised themselves as foreign merchants, and went their way through the different parts of the city. As they entered on a bridge which connected together the two parts of the city of Bagdad, divided by the river Euphrates, they met an old blind man, who asked alms. The caliph put a piece of gold into his hand, on which the blind man caught hold of his hand, and stopped him, saying, “Sir, pray forgive me; I desire you would either give me a box on the ear, or take your alms back again, for I cannot receive it but on that condition, without breaking a solemn oath which I have sworn to God;