Page:Arabian Nights (Sterrett).djvu/99

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The History of the Envious Man and
of Him Who Was Envied

In a certain town there were two men who lived next door to each other. One of them was so excessively envious of the other that the latter resolved to change his abode. He therefore sold his house, and went to another city at no great distance, and bought a convenient house. It had a good garden and a moderate court, in which there was a deep well, that was not now used.

The good man having made this purchase, put on the habit of a dervish, and in a short time he established a numerous society of dervishes. He soon came to be known by his virtues through which he acquired the esteem of many and was much honored and courted by all ranks. People came from afar to recommend themselves to his prayers; and all who visited him, spoke in praise of the blessings they received through his means.

The reputation of this honest man having spread to the town from whence he had come, it touched the envious man so much to the quick, that he left his own house and affairs