Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/11

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that he is ſo melancholy? Has he any Cauſe to complain of his Reception? No, ſurely, I have receiv’d him as a Brother whom I love, ſo that I can charge my ſelf with no Omiſſion in that reſpect. Perhaps it grieves him to be at fuch a Diſtance from his Dominions, or from the Queen, his Wife; Alas! 1t that be the Matter, I muſt forthwith give him the Preſents I deſign’d for him, that he may return to Samarcande when he pleaſes. Actually next Day Schahriar ſent him Part of thoſe Preſents, being the greateſt Rarities, and the richeſt Things that the Indies could afford. At the ſame time he endeavour’d to divert his Brother every Day by new Objects of Pleaſure, and the fineſt Treats; which inſtead of giving the King of Tartary any Eaſe, did only increaſe his Sorrow.

One Day Schahriar having appointed a great Hunting-match, about two Days Journey from his Capitol, in a Place that abounded with Deer; Schahzenan pray’d him to excuſe him, for his Health would not allow him to bear him Company. The Sultan, unwilling to put any Conſtraint upon him, left him at his Liberty, and went a hunting with his Nobles. The King of Tartary being thus left alone, ſhut himlelf up in his Apartment, and sat down at a Window, that look’d into the Garden. That delicious Place, and the ſweet Harmony of an infinite Number of Birds, which choſe it for a Place of Retreat, muſt certainly have diverted him, had he been capable of taking pleaſure in any thing but being perpetually tormented with the fatal Remembrance of his Queen’s infamous Conduct, his Eyes were not ſo often fix’d upon the Garden, as lifted up to Heav’n to bewail his Misfortune.

Whilſt he was thus ſwallow’d up with Grief, an Object preſented it ſelf to his View, which quickly turn’d all his Thoughts another way. A ſecret Gate of the Sultan’s Palace opened all of a ſudden, and there came out at it 20 Women, in the midſt of whom march’d the Sultaneſs, who was eaſ y diſtinguiſh’d from the reſt, by her Majeſtick Air. This Princeſs thinking that the King of Tartary was gone a hunting with his Brother the Sultan, came up with her Retinue near the Windows of his Apartment, for the Prince had plac’d himſelf ſo, that he could ſee all that
