Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/28

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( 22 )

Father, I will anſwer for the Fidelity of my Hand to obey Order. Schahriar accepted his Miniſter’s Offer, and told him he might bring his Daughter when he pleas’d.

The Grand Viſier went with the News to Scheherazade, who receiv’d it with as much Joy, as if it had been the moſt agreeable thing in the World; ſhe thank’d her Father for having obliged her in ſo ſenſible a manner, and perceiving that he was ovewhelmed with Grief, ſhe told him, in order to his Conſolation, that ſhe hop’d he would never repent his having married her to the Sultan; but that on the contrary, he ſhould have cauſe to rejoice in it all his Days.

All her Buſineſs was to put her ſelf in a Condition to appear before the Sultan; but before ſhe went, the took her Siſter Dinarzade apart, and ſays to her, My dear Siſter, I have need of your Help in a Matter of very great Importance, and muſt pray you not to deny it me. My Father is going to carry me to the Sultan to be his Wife, don’t let this frighten you, but hear me with Patience. As ſoon as I am come to the Sultan, I will pray him to allow you to lie in the Bride-Chamber, that I may enjoy your Company this one Night more. If I obtain that Favour as I hope to do, remember to awake me to-morrow, an Hour before Day, and to addreſs me in theſe or ſome ſuch Words. My Sifter, if you be not aſleep, I pray you that till Day break, which will be very ſpeedily, you would tell me one of the fine Stories of which you have read ſo many. Immediately I will tell you one; and I hope by this means to deliver the City from the Conſternation they are under at preſent. Dinarzade anſwer’d, That ſhe would obey with Pleaſure, what ſhe requir’d of her.

The time of going to Bed being come, the grand Viſier conducted Scheherazade to the Palace, and retir’d after having introduc’d her to the Sultan’s Apartment. As ſoon as the Sultan was left alone with her, he order’d her to uncover her Face, and found it ſo beautiful, that he was perfectly charm’d with her; and perceiving her to be in Tears, ask’d her the reafon. Sir, anſwer’d Scheherazade, I have a Siſter, who loves me tenderly, as do her; and I could wiſh that ſhe might be allow’d to be all Night in this Chamber, that I might ſee her, and bid her once more adieu.
