Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/35

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( 29 )

them, and-they had ſcarce begun to talk together; but there came a third old Man, who addreſſing himſelf to the two former, ask’d why the Merchant that ſat with them look’d ſo melanchely. They told him the Reaſon of it which appear’d ſo extraordinary to him, that he alſo reſolv’d to be Witneſs to the Reſult, and for that end ſat down with ’em.

In a little time, they perceiv’d in the Field a thick Vapour, like a Cloud of Duſt rais’d bya Whirlwind; advancing towards them, which vaniſh’d all of a ſudden, and then the Genie appear’d, who without ſaluting them, came up to the Merchant with his drawn Scimiter, and taking him by the Arm, ſays, Get thee up, that I may kill thee as thou didſt kill my Son. The Merchant and the three old Men being frighten’d, began to lament; and to fill the Air with their Cries. Here Scheherazade perceiving Day,left off her Story, which did ſo much whet the Sultan’s Curioſity, that he was abſolutely reſolv’d to hear the end of it, and put off the Sultaneſs’s Execution till next Day.

No body can expreſs the Grand Vilier’s Joy; when he perceiv’d that the Sultan did not order him to kill Scheherazade; his Family, the Court, and all People in general, were aſtoniſh’d at it.

The Fourth Night.

TOwards the end of the following Night, Dinarzade fail’d not to awake the Sultaneſs. My dear Siſter, fays ſhe, if you be not aſleep, pray tell me one of your fine Stories. Then Scheherazade, with the Sultan’s Permiſſion, ſpoke as follows.

Sir, when the old Man that led the Bitch; ſaw the Genie lay hold of the Merchant, and about to kill him without Pity, he threw himſelf at the Feet of the Monſter, and kiſſing them, ſays to him: Prince of Genies I moſt humbly requeſt you to ſuſpend your Anger, and do me the Favour to hear me. I will tell you the Hitory of my Life,

and of the Bitch you ſee; and if you think it more wonsderful and ſurprizing than the Adventure of the Merchant
