Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/39

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( 33 )

and told my Wife poſitively, that I would have another Calf to ſacrifice, and not that. She us’d all Endeavours to make me change my Reſolution but continued firm, and pacify’d her a little, by promiſing, that I would ſacrifice him againſt the Bairam, next Year.

Next Morning, my Farmer deſir’d to ſpeak with me alone; and told me, I come, ſays he, to tell you a piece of News, for which I hope you will return me Thanks, I have a Daughter that has ſome Skill in Magick: Yeſterday, as I carried back the Calf, which you would not ſacrifice; I perceiv’d ſhe laugh’d when ſhe ſaw him, and in a Moment after, fell a weeping: I ask’d her why ſhe acted two ſuch contrary Parts at one and the ſame time. Father, replies ſhe, the Calf you bring back; is our Landlord’s Son: I laugh’d for Joy to ſee him ſtill alive, and I wept at the Remembrance of the Sacrifice that was made th’ other Day of his Mother, who was chang’d into a Cow. Theſe two Metamorphoſes were made by the Enchantments of our Maſter’s Wife, who hated the Mother and Son. This is what my Daughter told me, ſaid the Farmer, and I come to acquaint you with it.

At theſe Words, the old Man adds, I leave you to think, my Lord Genie, how much I was ſurpriz’d; I went immediately to my Farmer, to ſpeak with his Daughter my ſelf. As ſoon as I came, I went forthwith to the Stall where my Son was, he could not anſwer my Embraces, but receiv’d them in ſuch a manner, as fully ſatisfied me he was my Son.

The Farmer’s Daughter came: My,good Maid, fays I, can you reſtore my Son to his former Shape? Yes, ſays ſhe, I can. Ah! fays I, if you can, I will-make yow Miſtreſs of all my Fortune. She replied to me ſmiling, You are our Maſter, and I know very well what I owe to you, but I cannot reſtore your Son ta his former Shape, but on two Conditions: The firſt is, that you give him me for my Husband; and the ſecond is, that you allow me to puniſh the Perſon who chang’d him into a Calf, For the firſt, ſays I, I agree to it with all my Heart: Nay, I promiſe you more, a conſiderable Eſtate for your ſelf, independent on what I deſign for my Son; In a word, you
