Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/70

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keep the Oath yon juſt now made; and muſt I ſay to you, as the Phyſician Douban ſaid to the Grecian King, Suffer me to live, and God will prolong your Days.

The Genie laugh’d at the Fiſherman’s Fear, and anſwered, No, Fiſherman, be not afraid, I only did it to divert my ſelf, and to ſee if thou wouldſt be alarm’d at it; but to perſwade thee that I am inearneſt, take thy Nets and follow me. As he ſpoke thoſe Words, he walk’d before the Fiſherman, who having taken up his Nets, follow’d him, but with ſome Diſtruſt; they paſs’d by the Town, and came to the Top of a Mountain, from whence they deſcended into a vaſt Plain, which brought them to a great Pond, that lay betwixt four Hills.

When they came to the ſide of the Pond, the Genie ſays to the Fiſherman, Caſt in thy Nets and take Fiſh; the Fiſherman did not doubt to catch ſome, becauſe he ſaw a great Number in the Pond; but was extreamly ſurpriz’d, when he found they were of four Colours, that is to ſay, white, eed, blue and yellow. He threw in his Nets, and brought out one of each Colour; having never ſeen the like, he could not but admire them, and judging that he might get a conſiderable Sum for them, he was very joyful. Carry thoſe Fiſh, ſays the Genie to him, and preſent them to thy Sultan; he will give you more Money for them than ever you had in your Life. You may come every Day to fiſh in this Pond, but I give thee warning not to throw in thy Nets above once a Day; otherwiſe you will repent it. Take heed and remember my Advice; if you follow it exactly, you will find your Account in it. Having ſpoke thus, he ftruck his Foot upon the Ground, which open’d, and ſhut again after it had ſwallow’d up the Genie.

The Fiſherman being reſolv’d to follow the Genie’s Advice exactly, forbore caſting in his Nets a ſecond time; but rerurn’d to the Town very well ſatisfied with his Fiſh, and making a thouſand Reflections upon his Adyenture. He went ſtraight to the Sultan’s Palace, to preſent him his Fiſh.———But, Sir, ſays Scheherazade, I perceive Day, and muſt ſtop here.

Dear Siſter, ſays Dinarzade, how ſurpriſing are the laſt Events you have told us; I have much ado to believe, that
