Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/80

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The Hiſtory of the young King of the Black Iſles

YOU muſt know, my Lord, continu’d he, that my Father, who was call’d Mahmoud, was King of this Country. This is the Kingdom of the Black-Iſles, which takes its Name from the four little neighbouring Mountains, for thoſe Mountains were formerly Iſles. The Capitol where the King my Father had his Refidence, was where that Pond you now ſee is, The Sequel of my Hiſtory will inform you of all thoſe Changes.

The King my Father died when he was Seventy Years of Age; I had no ſooner ſucceeded him, but I marry’d, and the Lady I choſe to ſhare the Royal Dignity with me, was my Couſin, I had all the Reaſon imaginable to be ſatisfied in her Love to me, and for my part, I had ſo much Tenderneſs for her, that nothing was comparable to the good Underſtanding betwixt us, which Laſted five Years, at the end of which time, I perceived the Queen, my Couſin, had no more delight in me.

One Day, while ſhe was at Bath, I found my ſelf ſleepy after Dinner, and lay down upon a Soſa; two of her Ladies who were then in my Chamber, came and ſat down, one at my Head, and the other at my Feet, with Fans in their Hands to moderate the Heat, and to hinder the Flies from troubling me in my Sleep. They thought I was faſt, and ſpoke very low, but I only ſhut my Eyes, and heard every word they ſaid.

One When ſaysto the other, Is not the Queen much in the wrong, not to love ſuch an amiable Prince as this? Ay certainly, replies the other, for my part, I don’t underſtand it, and I know not why ſhe goes out every Night, and leaves him alone! Is it poſſible that he does not perceive it? Alas, ſays the firſt, how would you have him to perceive it? She mixes every Evening in his Drink the Juice of a certain Herb, which makes him ſleep ſo ſound all Night, that ſhe has time to go where ſhe pleaſes, and as Day begins to appear, ſhe comes and lies down by him again, and
