Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 1.djvu/96

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bought Piſtachoes, Walnuts, Small Nuts, Almonds, Kernels of Pine-Apples, and ſuch other Fruits; and of another, ſhe bought all ſorts of Confections. When the Porter had put all thoſe things into his Basket, and perceiv’d that it grew full, my good Lady, ſays he, you ought to have given me Notice that you had ſo much Proviſion to carry, and then I wou’d have got a Horſe, or rather a Camel to have carried them, for if you buy ever ſo little more, I ſhall not be able to carry it. The Lady laugh’d at the Fellow’s pleaſant Humour, and order’d him ſtill to follow her.

Then ſhe went to a Druggiſt, where ſhe furniſh’d her ſelf with all manner of ſweet-ſcented Waters, Cloves, Musk, Pepper, Ginger, and a great Piece of Ambergreeſe, and ſeveral other Indian Spices; this quite fill’d the Porter’s Basket, and ſhe order’d him to follow her. They walk’d till they came to a magnificent Houſe, whoſe Front was adorn’d with fine Columns, and which had a Gate of Ivory. There they ſtopp’d, and the Lady knock’d ſoftly.——Here Scheherazade perceiving Day, broke off.

I muſt own, Siſter, ſays Dinarzade, the Beginning of this Story has a great deal of Curioſity, I ſancy the Sultan will not deprive himſelf of the Pleaſure of hearing the reſt of it; and indeed Schahriar was ſo ſar from ordering the Sultaneſs to be put to Death, that he long’d impaticntly next Night, to know what paſſed in the fine Houle.

The Twenty Ninth Night.

DInarzade being awak’d before Day, addreſſed the Sultaneſs thus: Siſter, if you be awake, I would pray you to continue the Hiſtory you began yeſterday, and Scheherazade went on with it thus:

While the young Lady and the Porter ſtaid for the opening of the Gate, the Porter had a thouſand Thoughts; he wonder’d that ſuch a fine Lady ſhould come abroad to buy Proviſions; he concluded ſhe could not be a Slave, her Air was too noble for that, and therefore he thought ſhe muſt needs be a Woman of Quality. Juſt as he was about to ask her ſome Queſtions upon that Head; another Lady came
