Page:Arabian Nights Entertainments (1728)-Vol. 2.djvu/89

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( 89 )

to know who you are, and to ask you for what Reaſon one of you, after ſeverely whipping the two black Bitches, did weep with them. And I am no leſs curious to know, why another of you has her Boſom all full of Scars.

Tho’ the Caliph had pronounced theſe Words very diſtincly, and that the three Ladies heard him well enough, yet the Viſier Giafar did, out of Ceremony, repeat them over again.

Bur, Sir, ſaid Scheherazade, ’tis Day, and if your Majeſty thinks fit that I ſhould go on with the reſt of this Story, you will be pleaſed to prolong my Life until to Morrow. The Sultan agreed to it, knowing that Scheherazade would relate the Hiſtory of Zobeide, which he had a mighty Deſire to hear,

The Sixty Third Night.

DEar Siſter, ſays Dinarzade, about break of Day, if you be not aſleep, pray tell us the Story of Zobeide; for doubtleſs that Lady told it to the Caliph. She certainly did, ſays Scheherazade, after that Prince, by this Diſcourſe had encouraged her to it. And it was in this manner that ſhe ſatisfied his Curiofity.

The Story of Zobeide.

COmmander of the Faithful, ſays ſhe, The Relation which I am about to give your Majeſty is one of the ſtrangeſt that ever was heard. The two black Bitches, and my ſelf, are Siſters, by the ſame Father and Mother; and I ſhall acquaint you by what ſtrange Accident they came to be metamorphoz’d. The two Ladies that live with me, and are now here, are alſo my Siſters by the Father’s ſide, but by another Mother: She that has the Scars on her Breaſt her Name is Amine, the other is Safie, and mine Zobeide.

After our Father’s Death, the Eſtate that he left us was equally divided among us; and as ſoon as thoſe two Siſters received their Portions, they went from me to live with their Mother. My other two Siſters and my ſelf ſtay’d with our Mother, who was then alive, and when ſhe dy’d
