Page:Arcana Coelestia (Potts) vol 1.djvu/105

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cause it is attended with a consciousness of thinking evil. For this reason "nakedness" is used in the Word as a type of disgrace and evil, and is predicated of a perverted church, as in Ezekiel:

Thou wast naked and bare, and trampled on in thy blood (xvi. 22).


They shall leave her naked and bare, and the nakedness shall be uncovered (xxiii. 29).

In John:

I counsel thee to buy of Me white raiment that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear (Rev. iii. 18).

And concerning the last day:—

Blessed is he who watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked and they see his shame (Rev. xvi. 16).

In Deuteronomy:

If a man hath found some nakedness in his wife, let him write her a bill of divorcement (xxiv. 1).

For the same reason Aaron and his sons were commanded to have linen breeches when they came to the altar, and to minister, to "cover the flesh of their nakedness, lest they should bear iniquity, and die" (Exod. xxviii. 42, 43).

214. They are called "naked" because left to their Own; for they who are left to their Own, that is, to themselves, have no longer anything of intelligence and wisdom, or of faith, and consequently are "naked" as to truth and good, and are therefore in evil.

215. That man's Own is nothing but evil and falsity has been made evident to me from the fact that whatever spirits have at any time said from themselves has been so evil and false that whenever it was made known to me that they spoke from themselves I at once knew that it was false, even though while speaking they were themselves so thoroughly persuaded of the truth of what they said as to have no doubt about it. The case is the same with men who speak from themselves. And in the same way, whenever any persons have begun to reason concerning the things of spiritual and celestial life, or those of faith, I could perceive that they doubted, and even denied, for