Page:Arcana Coelestia (Potts) vol 1.djvu/86

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are in the enjoyment of their peace and happiness, which is inexpressible, while they are in their general perception that they live from the Lord. It is this Own also that is meant in Jeremiah, where it is said:—

Jehovah hath created a new thing in the earth, a woman shall compass a man (xxxi. 22).

It is the heavenly marriage that is signified in this passage also, where by a "woman" is meant the Own vivified by the Lord, of which woman the expression "to compass" is predicated, because this Own is such that it encompasses, as a rib made flesh encompasses the heart.

156. Verse 23. And the man said, This now is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; therefore she shall be called wife, because she was taken out of man (vir). "Bone of bones and flesh of flesh," signify the Own of the external man; "bone," this Own not so much vivified, and "flesh," the Own that is vivified. Man (vir), moreover, signifies the internal man, and from his being so coupled with the external man as is stated in the subsequent verse, the Own which was before called "woman," is here denominated "wife." "Now," signifies that it was thus effected at this time because the state was changed.

157. Inasmuch as "bone of bones and flesh of flesh" signified the Own of the external man in which was the internal, therefore in ancient times all those were called "bone of bones and flesh of flesh" who could be called their own (proprii), and were of one house, or of one family, or in any degree of relationship. Thus Laban said of Jacob,

Surely thou art my bone and my flesh (Gen. xxix. 14).

And Abimelech said of his mother's brethren, and of the family of the house of his mother's father,

Remember that I am your bone and your flesh (Judges ix. 2).

The tribes of Israel also said of themselves to David,

Behold, we are thy bone and thy flesh (2 Sam. v. 1).

158. That man (vir) signifies the internal man, or what is the same, one who is intelligent and wise, is plain from Isaiah: