Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/14

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X PREFACE. It is unnecessary to speak here of the other portions of the volume now presented to the public. They will be preceded by distinct notices illustrative of their origin and design, where it may be desirable for the information of the reader. A considerable period has been suffered to elapse since the publication of the first volume of the Transactions and Collec- tions of this Society ; but, in the mean time, its general inter- ests have not been neglected. The munificent bequests of Dr. Thomas, making provision, among other objects, for the support of a resident Librarian, whose attention should be wholly de- voted to the duties of the office, enabled the Society to secure the valuable services of Mr. Baldwin, the late incumbent. A just idea of what was accomplished by that gentleman, during the few years of his official labors, is conveyed in the well-deserved tribute to his memory, from the pen of Governor Davis, con- tained in the present volume. But, while the flourishing condition of the Society affords good cause of congratulation, it should be borne in mind, that the active and zealous cooperation of its friends is required to develope and apply the resources placed at their command for the promotion of its objects. Original contributions, as well as rare documents, illustrative of the history and antiquities of any portion of the continent, will always receive the respectful attention of the Publishing Committee ; and, as the causes that have retarded the appearance of the present volume are not expected to occur again, it may be confidently anticipated, that in future the publications of the Society will be made at regular and less protracted intervals.