Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/308

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SYNOPSIS Ot" THE INDIAN TRIBES. [IN TROD. CADDO. to lie tic t/icm I tic thou ticst he tics ice tiro tic MM tic i/ou tic they tic he tics me " tluc " kitn a u a it it a her us two us you two you them they tie me doghanosh ilughanosh hiano hiehuckanosh

ihia issickeenosh

deli sho eh yokehnosh yoishehnosheh wanteh yoishehnosheh yokashwanash wanteh , yunutsehdnnheh yos nehunchehnosh hohanosha hitaughanosh (woman) hitaughanosh nutteh yoehkushehnosh yoehkushehnosh wanteh kohanosha kolianosha kohanosha deh daughkughanosh they tic thee jwanteh yokushwanosh him | " us two jyokushwancsh us «  you two kohanosha you I tic thee dehdughou si yokanosh " " him hokseh hichickanosh " you two hitughanosh " [ohjects) " (pointing to the yokushwanosh " " you " u them xcc tioo tie thee " '* him yoishehnosh we two tie you two we tic thee you tico tie me yoehhananeh yokushwanosh dakhouaneh nash yoehkushanosh wanteh yokawanteh CHOCTAW. he has tied me " •* thee " " him I have tied him thou hast tied me " " him he will tie me " " thee «« " him I will tie him thou wilt tie me • " him he would tie thee 1 " him he might tie thee ' " him he ought to tie thee ' " him sa tokchi kamo chi tokchi kamo tokchi kamo tokchili kamo issa tokchi kamo ish tokchi kamo sa tokchachi chi tokchachi tokchachi tokchilachi issa tokchachi ish tokchachi chi tokcha he tuk chi tokcha hinla tokcha hinla chi tokchi vlhpesa tokchi vlhpesa that he may tie thee na chi tokcha hinla " " him na tokcha hinla if he tie thee |chi tokchi hokma MUSKHOGEE. him tokchi hokma chawonnayist chiwonnayist wonnayist wonniyest chawonniyhitchkist wonniyhitchkist chawonniahlis chiwonniahlis wonniahlis wonniyahlis chawonniyichkahlis wonniyichkahlis chi wonniy undoos wonniyundoos chiwonniibundoos wonniibundoos chiwonniahli tidiist wonniahli tidiist machiwonniibis ma chiwonniyad wonniyad