Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/319

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APP. NO. II.] CONJUGATIONS AND TRANSITIONS. H. 2. DELAWARE TRANSITIONS. 283 PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE. lil, tell me. if I say lue y a Present Subjunctive. if thou lue yan if he lue te if we lue yeuk if ye lue yek if they lue khtit If him. them. a b c a b c if he 1 ate lak hitite if thou 1 atpan lak pan if I 1 ake lak pan if they 1 akt ite lak tit pan if ye 1 e que le que if we 1 a nque len que If he. they. thee 1 ukquon lukquon me 1 ite liklite you 1 ukqueque lukque que us 1 vkrjucnque lukquen que If I. we. thee 1 ellanne lell an que you 1 elle que lell en que If thou. ye. | me 1 lyanne liy e que us 1 iyenkpanne liy e n que a — verb proper. b — characteristic * and pronoun. c — plural terminations.

  • The a is still visible in the transitions which terminate in the third person ; the k. in those

originating in the third person ; the I and i, in those betweon tho two first persons. The other peculiarities of this mood not explained.