Page:Archæologia Americana—volume 2, 1836.djvu/34

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XXX MEMOIR OF ISAIAH THOMAS. mazes of business, seldom looked to him in vain for advice, for patronage, or assistance. His own experience of the em- barrassments and hardships, which beset the path of unskilled adventurers in the world of business, enlisted his sympathies in their trials, and secured his timely aid of their own en- deavours to obtain importance and respectability. Yet it can- not be said he had no enemies, for no man perhaps, is without them ; but it may well be doubted whether he was ever heard to speak of such with disrespect or unkindness. To overcome evil with good, seemed to be a ruling principle of his conduct. In this respect, his example cannot be too much commended. If strictly regarded, it would relieve society of much of the calumny and bitterness, which disturb its peace, and poison the fountains of social life.