Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 1.djvu/262

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And the foure gospellores,
Syttyng on pyllores;
Hend[1], herkeneth and heres,
Gyf hyt be ȝoure wyll.
Austyn and Gregory,
Jerome and Ambrose,
Thus the foure doctores
Lystened than tylle.
Ther was purtred[2] in ston
The fylesoferes everychon,
The story of Absolon,
That lykyd full ylle;
With an orrelegge[3] one hyȝth
To rynge the ours at nyȝth.
To waken Myldore the bryȝth,
With bellus to knylle.

Square wydowes of glas,
The rechest that ever was,
Tho moyneles[4] was off bras,
Made with menne handes;
Alle the walles of geete[5],
With gaye gablettes[6] and grete,
Kyngges syttyng in their sete
Out of sure[7] londes.
Grete Charles with the crounne,
Syre Godfray the Boyloune,
And Arthur the Bretoune,
With here bryȝt brondes[8].
The floure was paned[9] overal
With a clere crystal,
And overe keveryd[10] with a pal[11].
Afflore[12] where she stondes.

Hur bed was of aszure.

With tester and celure[13],
  1. Courteous people.
  2. Pourtrayed.
  3. A clock. This is a curious notice of a domestic clock at an early period. For further particulars on early clocks, see Barrington's paper in the fifth volume of the Archæologia.
  4. Mullions.
  5. Jet.
  6. Ornamented canopies or niches.
  7. Several.
  8. Swords.
  9. Variegated.
  10. Covered.
  11. Rich cloth.
  12. On the floor.
  13. Canopy.