Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 1.djvu/442

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Corbels, 187, 188

Corby, Manor of, 363, 364

Cordeliers, Chapel of the, Paris, 343

Corfe Castle, Dorsetshire, 98

Corhampton Church, Hampshire, 34, 303

Cornelius O'Deagh, Bishop of Limerick, his mitre, 286

Cornhull, Reginald de, furnishes banners for King John, 323

Cornwall, Celtic remains in, 309

Corston Church, Wilts, 38

Cothele Chapel, Cornwall, embroidery at, 329

Cotman's etchings of Sepulchral Brasses, 203

Cottenton's Hill, Kingsclere, Hampshire, antiquities found at, 251

Cottonian MSS., 28, 29, 31, 33

Couldham, John, monument of, 138

Courtenay, William, 322, 324

Cowling Castle, Kent, 105

Cowthorpe Church, Yorkshire, brass in, 69

Craven Ord, collection of brasses by, 201, 202

Creation, representation of the, 80

Credence-tables, 83, 192

Creux de Fées, St. Saviour's, Channel Islands, 151, 228, 230

Cromlechs, 144, 146, 148, 149, 151, 222

Cross-legged Effigies, 49, 199

Cruden's "History of Gravesend," notice of, 277

Cuir-bouilli, articles made of, 290

Cullum's History of Hawsted, Suffolk, 414

Cunobelinus, 8

Cymric antiquities, 40


Dance of Death figured on Church walls, 191

Danes and Northmen, 224

Darcy, John, Constable of the Tower, London, 368

Darenth, Kent, celt found at, 260

Darius, burial-place of, 184

"Dartford, History of," notice of, 277, 418

Dasset, Hannah, monument of, 138

"Decorations of the Middle Ages," 284

D' Aubernoun, Sir John, monument of, 209

De Aqua Blanca, Peter, Bishop of Hereford, 321

De Bakering, Adam, 322

De Basinges, Adam, 321, 322

De Berkyng, Richard, Abbot of Westminster, tomb of, 199

De Bois, Sir Roger, 51

De Borron, Robert, Romances by, 301

De Bureford, Rose, embroidered work sold by her to Queen Philippa, 322

De Caumont, M., Founder of the Société Française, &c., 81, 82, 83, 190

De Cauz, John, Abbot of Peterborough, 359

De Clyfton, John, 376

De Colonia, John, 322, 324

Do Drayton, Simon, 365

De Dreux, John, effigy of, 50

De Ferrers, William, monument of, 398

De Goldingham, Hugh, effigy of, 364

De Hamull, Elie, 364; Thomas, 365

De Harecourt, William, 363

De Holebroc, 364

De Insulâ, William, 364, 366, 375

De la Mare, Abbot, brass of, 207

De Latymer, William, 364, 365

De Lexinton, Robert, 367

De Manners, Baldwin, 365

De Mar, Donenald, 365

De Mara, Robert, 363

De Merlimond, Oliver, 234

De Montereau, Pierre, 336

De Montfort, Simon, Machines introduced by, 288

De Blorteyn, John, 365

De Mortimer, Roger, lord of Wigmore, 234

De Rokingham, Geoffry, 367

De Ros, lord, effigy of, 50

De St. Amando, Almaric, 365

De Valence, Aymer, earl of Pembroke, 365

De Veer, Robert, 365

De Verdoun, John, 365

De Walsokne, Adam, brass of, 207

De Welles, Adam, 365

Deerhurst Church, Gloucestershire, 31

Denbigh Castle, North Wales, 105

Denkendorf, Germany, 409

Derby, St. Alkmund's Church at, 398

Destruction of monuments prevented, 84, 190, 191

Didron's "Icongraphie Chretienne," analysis of, 72, 132

Dinas Castle, North Wales, 105

——— Sylwy, North Wales, 127

Diocletian, coins of, 182

Dion Cassius, 112

Diserth, Flintshire, cross at, 383

Diz dou Soucretain, 212

Documents, Original, 64, 153

Dolmen, discovered near Le Mans, 82, 84

Domes, represented in MSS., 33

Domesday Book, 24, 32

"Domestic Architecture, Illustrations of," 212, 301

Dompont, gateway at, 190

Donaldson, Professor, preface by, 184

Doncaster Deanery, Yorkshire, History of, 356

Donnington Castle, Berks, 106

Doorways, decoration of, 188

Dorchester Church, Oxon, glass preserved by Colonel Kennett in, 17

Dovecot, ancient, at Garway, Herefordshire, 265, 166

Dover Castle, 94, 95, 100, 102, 104, 106, 310, 311, 314

—————— the Pharos at, 256

Douce, Mr., bequest of rubbings from brasses, 202

Dragon's or whale's throat, 175

"Dresses and Decorations of Middle Ages," notice of, 284

Druidical Altars, 146, 147

Dublin, St. Patrick's Cathedral at, 200

Dudley Castle, Staffordshire, 105

Dugdale, his Monasticon, 43

Dukes of Anjou, tombs of, 84

Dulwich College, Kent, 161

Dunkin's "History of Dartford," 277, 418

Durham Cathedral, 328

———— mound at, 99

Durnovaria, now Dorchester, Dorsetshire, 351,352

Du Sommérard, M., Antiquities collected by, 344

Dymchurch, Kent, Roman urns &c., found at, 272


Ealdred and Eadmar, Abbots, 30

Earl's Barton Church, Northamptonshire, 26, 27

East Langdon, Kent, embroidery at, 329, 330

—— Tisted Church, Hants, 393

—— Wickham Church, Kent, paintings in, 165, 274, 400

Eaton-socon, Bedfordshire, mound at, 99

Ebsamboul, temple of, 184

Ecole des Arts et Metiers, at Angers, 242

Edgmond, Shropshire, incised slab at, 210

Edinburgh, Trinity College Kirk at, 389

Edmund, Earl of Cornwall, 375