Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 11.djvu/312

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270 EXAMPLES OF MEDLEVAL SEALS. and what is above stated, on the authorit}' of Gallia Christiana, as to the family is not easily reconcileable with it. Only one Lancelin is there mentioned, and no Fiilk : the grandfather, however, of that name may have been a younger son. Peter had been a canon, and probably dean, of Beauvais before he was elected bishop in 1114. He held the see till his death in 1133, and appears to have been an active prelate in the affairs of his diocese. He was present at the councils held at Ikauvais in 11 14 and 1120. In the meanwhile he had been sent by Louis YL, with the abbot of ^lorigny, on an embassy to Pope Calixtus II. In 1128 he was at the Council of Troyes, and in 1132 Pope Innocent II., in his progress through France, when compelled to leave Kome for a while, paid him a visit at Beauvais, about which time, if not on that occasion, the relics of Saints Just and Gcremar were translated to new shrines. In the Xecrologiuni of his church he is thus mentioned : " VI. Id. Novembr. obiit Petrus episcopus, qui dedit nobis duas domes, unam in claustro, alteram in burgo." There were other acts of his quite as memorable, but this was probably considered more hkely to awaken the gratitude and win the ])rayers of the chajjter. The seal is attached to a charter, dated at Reauvais in 1123,^ whereby Peter confirmed to the Monastery of 8t. Martin des Champs, Paris, on the application of Matthew the prior, all the property that had been given to them in liis diocese, as well ecclesiastical as lay, saving the rights of his church : in which were comprised the church of St. Omer ; the toll-traverse in Milly every tenth day of all things carried through, for which such toll was ])ayable ; a liushel of wheat in a certain mill in " Uns," ])robal)]y Onz-en- IW-dy ; tiie churcli of Meiu; the cluwch of St. LcMjnorius, at lieaumont ; the titlic of " Meinecurte ; " the church of '• Cressonessart ; " the land with the wood and villeins (li(»spitibus') which the monastery had of the gift of Baldwin ""If l)iitinangulo," and ol" the fee of Lancelin of Beauvais (pi'f.lialilv I rcl;iti(»ii of t lie liisliop). " apiid Dcduiiuilerimii et

  • Aild. Clitti't. It.'j.'J.J. Hiiiilcil nn licldiiKiiin l<i it I'li. word

' TIh! lioHpiU'M, /niKttx of till- I'li'iK'h may jn-olmlily In- r(fiTri<l to llir ilihi^im- liiw, ncfiii i»t iIiIm tiino to linvo didi-rcil tioii t,'iviii >y the Hiir^muli.iii iiiviidirs to littli; fr<iiii otir villniii : tlioy were occii llic (wiiiIh, on whom tin y '|mirl<Tcil iIhiii |.it<l ill cultivutiiiK tin- Hoil, iiinl wire le- m Ivih. iiiid wIiohc IiukIh tiny sliured.