Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/298

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Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0298a.png

Font discovered near the mouth of the Orwell.

July 7.

Captain Stanley R.N. forwarded, by Mr. Way, a drawing of a font discovered in the sea, near the mouth of the Orwell; and a sketch of the gate-way of Erwarton Hall, Suffolk, about to be demolished.

Mr. Ferrey read a letter from the Rev. R. G. Boodle, vicar of Compton Dando, respecting a Roman altar discovered in that parish. Mr. Boodle supposes it to have been dedicated to Peace; one of the figures on it being that of Hercules Pacificator; and the other Apollo. The Wans-dike runs through the parish, and part of it is very distinct about a quarter of a mile from the church.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0298b.png

seal of the Priory of Montacute.

July 7.

Mr. Hodgkinson, of East Acton, exhibited a lease under the common seal of the priory of Montacute in Somersetshire, dated 16th January, 1507. The name of the prior in this deed is John Water, erroneously called Watts by Collinson. Hist. of Somerset, vol. iii. p. 213. The seal of this priory is rare, and has not been hitherto engraved; it is described in the last edition of Dugdale's Monasticon, from a very imperfect impression, appended to the deed of surrender, among the Augmentation records. The priory of Montacute was founded by William Earl Moreton, temp. Hen. I., and granted by him to the monks of Cluny, to whom it continued a cell until made denizen in the 8th of Henry IV.

The Rev. Arthur Hussey of Rottingdean, communicated a note on some earthworks at Clifton, in which traces of masonry are discernible. "Upon the cliff on the southern side of the Avon, just below the hot well, is an ancient camp, inclosing a considerable space, and defended on the most accessible side by a triple intrenchment, of which the inner one certainly was formed of masonry, and its remains even now are unusually high. The mortar appears to have been used hot, in a very liquid state, and, in the