Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/303

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the principal part of the old work previous to the great fire is the work of Ernulf and Conrad; the distinct character of this early Norman work is admirably brought out and contrasted with the late Norman and Transition work after the fire; this is well shewn in the annexed cut of part of the crypt, where the pillar had been introduced after the fire, the plan of the superstructure not being the same as that of the ancient crypt, so that additional strength was required to carry the weight in its new position. But the words of Gervase are so explicit that there is no need to add to them.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0303a.png

Part of the Crypt. A.D. 1098—1110. The Pillar inserted A.D. 1178.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0303b.png

A.D. 1099—1110. Arches in South Aisle. A.D. 1178.

"It has been above stated, that after the fire nearly all the old portions of the choir were destroyed and changed into somewhat new and of a more noble fashion. The differences between the two works may now be enumerated. The pillars of the old and new work are alike in