Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/319

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Delineations of Roman Antiquities found at Caerleon (the Ancient Isca Silurum) and the Neighbourhood, by J. E. Lee. Royal 4to, 27 plates. Cloth, £1. 1s.

Dictionary of Archaic and Provincial Words, by J. O. Halliwell. Parts 4 and 5. 8vo. Each 2s. 6d. sewed.

Notes, Historical and Architectural, of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Slymbridge, Gloucestershire: with some Remarks on Decorative Colouring. Royal 8vo., with engravings and woodcuts. 7s. 6d. sewed. Bristol.

Memorials of the Antiquities and Architecture, Family History and Heraldry, of the County of Essex. 4to., with 34 plates and 71 woodcuts. £.1. 8s. half bd. Large paper, £2. 2s.

The History and Antiquities of the Collegiate Church of all Saints, Maidstone, with illustrations of its Architecture; together with Observations on the Polychromatic Decoration of the Middle Ages, by John Whichcord. 4to., with 13 engravings, some illuminated, 10s. 6d.

Specimens of Ancient Church Plate, Sepulchral Brasses, &c. Royal 4to. 49 plates. Cloth, £1. 3s.

Palæographia Sacra Pictoria: being a Series of Illustrations of the Ancient Versions of the Bible, copied from Illuminated Manuscripts executed between the fourth and sixteenth centuries, by J. O. Westwood. Royal 4to., half bd. morocco. £4 10s.

Illustrations of the Architectural Ornaments and Embellishments, and Painted Glass, or the Temple Church, London; from drawings especially made, by permission, by W. R. H. Essex. With an Account of the Recent Restoration of the Church, by S. Smirke. 4to., with 30 plates, many of them illuminated. Half bd. morocco, £2. 2s.

History of the Religious Orders and Communities, and of the Hospitals and Castle of Norwich, by J. Kirkpatrick, Treasurer of the Great Hospital. Written about the year 1725. 8vo., 6s. Norwich.


Le Viographe Bordelais, ou Revue historique et pittoresque des monumens de Bordeaux tant anciens que modernes, et des rues, &c., de cette ville dans lesquelles il subsiste quelques fragmens d'Antiquité, &c. par l'Auteur de la dernière histoire de Bordeaux. Livraisons 1 à 19. 8vo. Bordeaux.

Paulin, A. Les Manuscrits Français de la Bibliothèque du roi, leur histoire et celle des textes Allemands, Anglois, Hollandois, Italiens, Espagnols, de la même collection. Paris, VI. 8vo.

Saint-Amand, le Chevalier de. Recherches historiques sur Saint-Amand Montrand; suivies de documens historiques sur la même ville. Bourges.