Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/344

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VII. These Vacancies shall be supplied on the recommendation of at least three Members of the Committee, made in writing at one of the ordinary Meetings, the proposed Member to be balloted for at the succeeding ordinary Meeting.

VIII. The Annual Meeting shall be holden in one of the cities or principal towns in the kingdom, at which the elections, the appointment of the place of Meeting for the ensuing year, &c. shall take place. Notice of this Meeting shall be given by one of the Honorary Secretaries, by order of the Committee.

IX. The Committee shall have the power of nominating a certain number of Local Vice-Presidents.

X. No other General Meeting of the Institute shall be holden with- out the consent of at least three fourths of the Committee expressed in writing; for such Special Meeting a notice of at least three weeks shall be given by Advertisements in the public papers. At this Special Meeting the President, or in his absence one of the Vice-Presidents, shall take the Chair, and in their absence the Committee shall appoint a Chairman.

XI. Neither at the General Annual Meeting, nor at any Special General Meeting shall any alteration of, or addition to, any of the Rules or Regulations of the Institute be submitted to the Meeting unless upon a proposal in the form of a Resolution in writing, signed by two Life or Annual Members, which shall have been sent to the Committee one month previous to the Meeting, and suspended in their Committee Room.

The Summons for the Special General Meeting shall specify the Resolution or Resolutions to be submitted to the Meeting, and the discussion shall be confined to that object only: in case such proposed Resolution or Resolutions shall be carried, another Special General Meeting shall be summoned by the Committee after the lapse of not less than a fortnight, or more than a month, for the sole purpose of ratifying or rejecting such Resolution. If, however, the first mentioned Special Meeting take place at a time not more than two months before the Annual Meeting, then such Resolution or Resolutions shall be ratified or rejected at that Annual Meeting.

XII. The Chairman of the Annual, or any other General Meeting, shall have an Independent as well as a Casting Vote.

XIII. A certain number of persons, not usually resident in London, shall be associated with the Central Committee as Honorary Members of that Body, and shall be entitled to a Vote at their Meetings. Such Honorary Members shall be proposed on the recommendation of at least three Members of the Committee, and the Election shall take place at the succeeding Ordinary Meeting.

XIV. The Committee shall appoint a certain number of persons, not resident in London, as their Local Secretaries.

XV. The Election of Local Secretaries and Corresponding Members shall be made by the Committee on the proposal of one of the Members