Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/377

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bed of yellow sand.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0377a.png

Section of Hypocaust.

A. Floor of Plaster.
B. Piers built of tiles and mortar 71/2 in. square standing on tiles 11 in. square.
D. Black sooty matter.
E. Stucco.
F. Sand.

These pillars were distant from each other about 16 or 18 inches, but the upper portions of the intervals were filled with earth, and the lower part with a stratum about 6 inches thick of soot and ashes lying on the sand-bed before mentioned, under which they feared to dig, lest they might injure the stability of the pillars. Here and there among the earth between these pillars (earth which had probably been laid there soon after the demolition of the villa) were found fragments of coarse pottery, and pieces of stucco, painted red, yellow, green, and black, but not sufficiently large to shew their patterns. The greater number of the lines on the stucco are straight, the others are curved and waved.

Archaeological Journal, Volume 2, 0377b.png

Plan of the Hypocaust.
A. Prefurnium; B. Raised Stone Seats; C. Entrance to the Furnace; D. Remains of a Cistern or Bath F. Leaden Pipe for drawing off the water; G. Bath; H. Drain for carrying off the water.

Fig. 2.—Section of Drain at H; a. White coarse mortar; b. Outer Draining Tile; c. Inner Draining Tile of finer quality than the outer; between the two is an open space; d. Fine red mortar, in which is a passage for the water