Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/84

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buckles, pins, or bracelets, brooches, rings, seals, keys, cubes of clay for mosaic pavement, or small figures of men or animals, been discovered in your parish, and in what precise localities?

8. Are there any walls faced with small squared stones, either regularly or irregularly coursed, and divided horizontally at certain distances by bricks peculiarly shaped, and are such buildings in straight or curved lines? Of what texture and composition is their mortar or any cement on them?

9. Have there been found any inscribed stones—or portions of columns, or statues of bronze or marble?

10. Have any coffins of stone or of baked earth been found, either singly or in groups—And in what direction of the compass were the heads laid— If such coffins still exist, and have any ornaments or inscriptions, it would be desirable to take rubbings or impressions from them according to the method stated at page 211 of our first volume; and this remark is applicable to all objects whether engraved, or sculptured in low relief.

11. Have any ancient coins or seals been found—If so, state the metal of which they are composed, and send impressions in sealing-wax from the various kinds of them, stating precisely in what locality, and with what other ancient objects they were found?

12. In whose possession were, or now are, any such remains as above enumerated?

No. III. (Externally.)

1. What Ecclesiastical Edifices or Conventual remains are there in the parish?

2. Is there an old Church, and of what general plan is it, whether cruciform, with or without aisles, tower or porch? Is the east end flat or otherwise, and in what precise direction of the compass are the chancel and the nave built?

3. What are its extreme dimensions, and the general thickness of the walls?

4. Of what materials is it—Are there any Roman-like bricks about the doors and windows, or in the body of the walls?

5. Are the buttresses flat or graduated, and how ornamented and terminated—Are they placed at regular distances?

6. Are there any remains of a rood-loft staircase?

7. Are the parapets plain or embattled—Have they pinnacles or gable crosses or gurgoyles—Are the walls ornamented with sculptured bands or moulded strings vmder the windows, or as continuations of the dripstones, or elsewhere—Has the gable of the nave or aisles any bell-turret?

8. How many doorways are there? are any now stopped up, and are their heads semicircular or pointed, whether of lancet or equilateral form, or struck from two or four centres, or of ogee form, or flat?

9. Are the doorway mouldings round or angular—plain or ornamented—and of what architectural style?

10. Has the chancel any low narrow doorway, and of what form is its