Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 2.djvu/86

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32. Of what does the pavement consist—If of large slabs on which are, or have been, brasses, armorial bearings, or figures drawn by incised lines, or with inscriptions prior to the 17th century, or if there be any figured tiles, heraldic, or otherwise, send rubbings or tracings from them.

33. Of what pattern is the carved wood-work of the altar-piece, pulpit, lectern, screens, rails, communion-table, or seats, church-chest, or poor-box? If unusual, take impressions from it on damped paper.

34. Of what material and form is the font—Is it ancient—Are there any sculptures on it, and what? Has it a cover, plain or ornamented?

35. Does the communion plate bear any inscription, armorial bearings, or ornaments worthy of notice? Are there any ancient hangings, embroideries, or altar coverings?

36. How many bells are in the tower—Are any of them inscribed with Gothic letters?

37. Are there any altar-tombs, monumental effigies, ancient armour, banners, or achievements, prior to the 18th century? To whom do they relate—If they have arms, describe them, or take tracings from them.

No. IV.

1. Is there any ancient Castellated building in the parish? what is its natural position, and its ground plan, as to fosses, (wet or dry,) walls, ballia, mounds, towers, keep, chapel, kitchen, lodgings for the garrison, well, &c.

2. What old domestic edifices are there, whether mansions, halls, granges, or farm-houses? What are their general ground-plans, and their elevations, as to gables, parapets, dormer windows, roofs and chimneys, oriel windows, porches, and doorways?

3. In what style are any ancient gardens belonging to such edifices laid out, as to pieces of water, terraces, vases, statues, clipt hedges, &c.?

4. What parks are there, and in what style are they planted? are the clumps of trees right-lined masses? and are they said to represent the formation of troops in any battle? or do the avenues radiate from a centre?

Such questions as the above are always circulated by the French Archæological Society preparatory to their great annual Congress; and which, we may here observe, is to be held during the second week of June, at Lille and Tournay, where the writer of this article, from repeated experience, will vouch for the kind reception of any of his readers who may be inclined to accompany him thither.