Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/126

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108 ARCIIITKCTUllAL NOTES IN THE racter to a debased Perpendicular. Nevertheless it is a building of great interest, and no doubt a considerable part of it, especially the central tower and a south porch, the outer door of which has the tracery of the spandrels pierced, be- longs to the date assigned. The front of the south transept has a triplet of lancets, and the chancel has likewise indica- tions of Early English. The north transept has a late Deco- rated window ; and the chancel, some early Perpendicular work introduced. But the principal feature is the curious insertion of the central tower. Though on approaching the church it seems of very good dimensions, yet it is considerably narrower than the transepts, and somewhat narrower than the nave. Its western piers consecpiently are detached, though there are no aisles to the church, and as they are not very massive, they are strengthened by flying buttresses in the interior, from the piers to the corresponding angles be- tween the nave and trau-

■>'/ septs. The tower is open to the interior considerably above the roof of the tran- sept, and has a north and south window : above these is a vaulted roof. Neither these windows nor the belfr} windows have their lights foliated, though the latter are of very good composi- tion. The tower presents Ji fine bold outline, from the stair-turret at the south-east angle. The south porch is close to the transept, which has a string-course resting on brackets on its west side, stopped by the face of the porch. This church is little more than a mile to the north-east of Whittington, which is on the London road, about five miles from Cheltenham, well known as exhibitinsr the remains of a fine old Elizabethan manor-house, with a little church ad- joining it. Brimpsfield, near Birlip, ofiers another instance of singular construction in the insertion of the tower, which is also central, and much narrower than the nave. The church con- sists merely of a nave and chancel. The tower rises directly m Inside of Sevenhampton Churcii Tc