Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/136

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118 AN ACCOUNT OF COINS AND TREASURE In fig. 33 the piiiicli has been of an irregu- lar crescent form ; the impressions have been joined at the ends, producing rudely waved lines, not very graceful. In fig. 34 the pattern is rather elegant, pro- -:^ -r:^-'c<: 34 diiced by very simple means ; along the centre runs a line composed of triangles, inclosing three points arranged in pairs, apex to apex, so as to form a series of hourglass-shaped forms ; along the edges runs a line of small circles. The end is very narrow and taper, and is ornamented by a row of lozenges formed by the spaces left between the pointed ends of the triangular punches. In fig. 35 the punch is irregularly quatrefoil, with a hole in the centre. In fig. 36 the pattern is partly formed by triangular punches inclosing three points, and by lines of net-work, the meshes of which are lozenge-shaped, formed by well-arranged impressions of small plain triangular punches. In fig. 37 the pattern is formed by a double row of punches, placed at some little distance from each other, the form of Avhich it is ditficult to describe, but which will be readily inulerstood by reference to the plate. In fig. 38 the pattern is also formed by a double row of punches, of peculiar form, somewhat conical, the apices placed uiwards.