Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/141

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FOUND IN CUERDALE. 123 Fig. 55 appears to be part of an armlet, hammered round, but unfinished ; it was perhaps intended to have tenninated in a hook, thin at the l)cn{l, inereasinij; towards the end which is abrupt ; Hke those which usually occur upon the gold torques, as that ,_ engraved in the Archaeological a Journal, vol. ii. p. 371). Fig. 56 is circular, perhaps unfinished, the ends appear to have been intended to terminate in heads of serpents or di'agons : the marks hammered at the sides being probably meant for some representation of teeth. It cannot be said that these terminations are much like heads of any animal, but they are perhaps less unlike dragons' heads than any thing else ; and may therefore be considered as such. If however such has been the intention, it must be remarked that though dragon-like ornaments appear in relief upon some objects, such as will be described in a futm'e page, yet such a termination to an armlet of the tenth century is extremely rare, if not unique. It is very probable that this piece may have been formed by the same people who made the ornaments fig. 91, as the animal form is common to both, and the workmanship about the teeth is similar to that of the fio;ure referred to. Fig. 57 is an armlet of a totally different construction ; it consists of two pieces of silver, hammered nearly round, thick in the middle, tapering towards the ends, which arc twisted together into a knot.