Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/143

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structed have been welded together and hammered to a fine point that it miglit be easily tied to the other end of the armlet after the usual manner.


Fig. 61 is only a fragment; and of what kind of object might have been unknown, but from the discovery of some entire ornaments which may have been used either as armlets, or, by the addition of a tongue, as fibulæ. One of these, of bronze, was discovered near Catarinaholt, and is published in Annaler for Nordisk Oldkyndighed, 1830, 1837. tab. vii. fig. 2. It is a twisted circle terminating in two knobs formed very nearly like the one here figured, and ornamented with circular punches. This however has not any ornament upon the knob, but upon the remains of the circle has a row of lozenges, with a pellet between the external angles.


The next objects to be noticed are fibulæ: one of considerable interest is very large, fig. 62, formed in a manner similar to that of the armlets; it is octagonal, tapering from the middle towards the ends; all the angles, except the two interior, are ornamented by a row of small triangular punches along each side, the whole length of the ornament. The ring