Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/203

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RECENT ARCHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. A History of the Monastery rouNDKn at Tynemoctii, in the Diocese of Dur- ham, to the Honour of God, under the Invocation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and St. Oswin King and Martyr. By William Sidney Gibson, Esq. Embel- lished with illuminated borders, capitals, and other decorations from ancient MSS., executed by Mr. Henry Shaw ; and a series of views etched by Mr. T. M. Kichardson. Vol. 2, royal 4to. half-morocco, 3/. 3s. ; 2 vols, royal 4to. com- plete, half-morocco, 6/. 6s. History and Description of the restored Church of St. Mary Wymeswold, Leicestershire. Folio, with numerous illustrations, 1/. Is. An Architectural description of St. Leonard's Church, Kirk stead, pub- lished under the superintendence of the Lincolnshire Architectural Society, with illustrations by F. Mackenzie and O. Jewitt. Small folio, 10s. The History and Antiquities of the ancient Town and Port of Eye, in the county of Sussex, with incidental notices of the Cinque Ports. 8vo. 1/. Is. Some Account of Llanthony Priory, Monmouthshire, with an Appendix, illustrated by engravings by the Rev. George Eoberts, M.A. 8vo. os. Ecclesiologist's (the) Guide to the Deaneries of Brisley, Hingham, and Brec- cles, in Norfolk: together with Waxton and Flegg Deaneries. Part 1, 12mo. Is. 6d. A Hand-book for Visitors to Oxford. Illustrated by 1 00 woodcuts. 12mo. price 5s. ; or in 8vo. with twenty steel plates by Mackenzie and Le Keux, 10s. 6d. The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of Scotland, by R. W. Billings and W. Burn. Parts 1 to 3, with steel engravings, and woodcuts, 2s. 6d. each. An Inquiry into the Difference of Style observable in Ancient Glass Paintings, especially in England : with Hints on Glass Painting. By an Amateur. 2 vols. Bvo. illustrated by numerous coloured plates, drawn from ancient examples. 1/. 10s. VOL. IV. B b