Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/362

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NOTICE OE AN UNDESCRIBED SEPULCHRAL BRASS. In the nave of ChrishaU church, near Saffron Walden, Essex, is a large and fine brass, not hitherto described or appro- priated, but well worthy of illustration from its commemorat- ing members of a noljle family, whose bm'ial place has never been recorded, as Avell as from its value as an example of monumental art. It is, unfortunately, partly imder the boards of a pew ; but the whole may be uncovered with the excep- tion of about four inches across the breast of the figures. It represents a knight in the armour of the end of Edward the Third's reio-n, holdino; his baldrick in his left hand, and the right hand of his lady in his right ; her head-dress is the caul usually seen at the same period, and from her arms hang the sleeve-lappets which are somethnes, but rarely, found in con- temporary brasses. The knight's feet rest on a lion, and below botli the figures is a basement of quatrefoils : above them is a fine canopy, not double, as is generally the case where there are two figures, but triple ; it is somewhat muti- lated, and the shafts which sup})orted it are entirely gone. Of the inscription, which was marginal, a very small fragment only remains, with the words " sa feme priez." Between the heads of the figures is a sliield, azure, two bars nebulee, or, Delapole : impaling gules, on a chevron or, three lions ram- pant, sable, Cobham. It is from these arms, which are also repeated singly above the canopy, that the names of the persons commemorated have been discovered. William De la Pole, merchant of Hull, left two sons ; William, who died in L'340, and from whom descended the earls and dukes of Suflblk ; and Richard, whose son and heir, William, married Margaret, sister and heiress of John Peverel of Castle Ashby; this lady died in 1349, leaving a son and heir, John, wlio married Joan, sole, daughter and heiress of John, Lord Cobham. These last are the knight and lady re- })reseuted at Clu'ishall, as is proved by the arms. The manor of Chi'isliall was held under Lord Stafibrd by