Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/371

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ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS, 347 Wood Crosses to hang Armour upuu, whereof 30 are to be repaired . . . . . Shaffrones. viz. To be repaired, 92, White and service- able, 42 Lances and Lancestaves, unserviceable Great Lances, whereof two are said to be King Henry the vijths^ and one, Charles Brandon's, Duke of Sufiblke"s Pikes, unserviceable Great Hearce of John of Gaunt's Spauisli Coller for torture, taken in 88' Two Hand swords Sheilds guilt Targetts of Iron . Bucklers of Iron . W^ooden Bucklers Barbes for horses, wanting one shaffron Anticke Headpeece with Ramshornes, Coller, and spectacles upon it, one Jacke™, and one sword, all said to be William Summers' armes Armorers Tooles, viz. Small Bickernes .... Tramping stakes .... Round stake .... Welting stakes .... Strait Sheeres .... Fileing Tongues .... Hammers .... Old tew Iron . . . • Great square Anvill Anvill. broke .... Old Bellowes, whereof one paire said to be M^ Anneslyes Smiths vices .... Threstles . . . . • In the Closet within the Armory at the Tower. Armour of King Henry the 8'*. cap-a-pe, being rough from the hammer . . • • • Long Elbow Gantletts . . . • Strong brests and Placketts Harquebuze armes, viz. Backes, 30, Breasts, whereof 3 de- fective, 16 Round Cap, unserviceable . . . • 25.9 134 407 3 11 One One 2 2 26 2 2 2 One 6 6 One 7 2 paire 1 paire 2 One One One 3 paire 3 2 One 273 2 One ' Tins sigiiifies the year 1588, the date of the Spanish invasion. "" Erroneously printed " tacke," in the ArchiEologia. This jack appears to have been in e.^dstence within memory of per- sons now employed in the armories.