Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/373

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ORIGINAL DOCUMENTS. 349 (7.) Upon a like Horse, one Armour made for Kinge Henry the vj"'., con- sisting of an headpeece, backe. breast, a paire of Poiddrons and Vani- braces, a pairc of Greaves, and a paci; guard. Tiie horse Furniture being a shafFrone, and an old sadle, and a bit. (3.) Upon a like Horse, one Armour compleate, cap-a-pe, engraven with the ragged staffe, made for the Earle of Leicester. The Horse Fur- niture being a shafiVonef, Crinet for the Necke, and brest plate of the same, one sadle, bit, and Reynes. (4.) Upon a like Horse, one Armour compleate, cap-a-pe, white and plaine, made for Charles Brandon, duke of Suffolke. The Horse Furniture being a shaffron, brest plate, and buttocke of the same, one sadle, bit, and bridle. (10.) Upon a like Horse one Armour compleat, cap-a-pe, white and plaine, made for William the Conqueror, the Horse Furniture being a shaf- fron, Crinet for the Necke, with a sadle, bridle, and stirrups. Sundry rich Aimours, and parcells of Armor, brought from jNI"^. Anneslyes house, and now remaineing in severall Trunckes, within the office of the Armory at tlie Tower, (with 2 great Trunckes and one great Lead cisterne still at the said house,) viz.i Armour cap-a-pe, richly guilt and graven, made for his late Majestic, of blessed memory, Charles the First, with Gantletts, and a shaffron of the same, and guilt steeles fur a sadle . One Small Armour, made for his now Majestic, Charles the second, when he was Prince, consisting of Breast, backe, gorget t, and headpeece, all richly guilt .... One Curasseer Armour, richly guilt, made for his aforesaid late Maj(;s- tie, Charles the first, when he was j^oung, consisting of a backe, brest, headpeece. Gorget, Pouldrons, and Vambraces, Culet, Cushes, and Gantlets . . . One Small Armour for horse and Foote, richly guilt, with bosses of gold, and corded with silver, consisting of backe, breast, taces, Murrion, close headpeece, Pouldrons, and Vambraces, with gorget and Gantlets .... One Foote Armour of Henry the viij*^*^., richly guilt, consisting of backe, brest, and placket, Taces, Gorget, a Burgonet with a buff'e or chin peece .... One Small Horse Armour compleat, cap-a-pe, richly guilt and chaced, with gantletts ..... One Stirrups richly guilt and chaced . . .1 paire Sleeves of Male, with a velvet Coate to them . . 1 paire " This piece is figured by Grose, pi. 24. is omitted in Mr. Bray's papir in the •1 1 he description of the n.llowinfrsiiiis. ArchiL'ologia, and in the Ciitical En- with the exception of that of Htnrv VI H. quiry V-.... tv. ^_ 7^ ■