Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/387

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ARCHAEOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE. 3G3 Tat I)ntJ too toijtics succcssibcIiK bij I)oIij toctilockcs rtgljt, CTo tol)om fjc mas a? (■•iijiOfuU' as teas cbcr ann toigl)!. Scbcn cl)iltlrcn fjc l)ati bn tl)c lastc anlJ bij t!)c fi)i5t f).ia fybc, Cbrouab lubom tboucj!) In(: be tooUc ato.i'jf f)is name remains alnUc . lac fioas C?squiKV, b} office cafec a Siusticc iust also, % p oppc to poorc, a ficn^c to ricbc, to none at alt' a fo. So fcofjcn be bati spent fornte ycres antJ fororc in bale of ttioe, JDcatb strooke, auti stiaijte be bias compellti out of ibis iuoiltJc to goc. Ins eaicas ibcn tljat but felaij to torinkling tojrm is meatc. l^is sottilE Ijopc is initl) GotJ possccUcs in I)eabcn a Ijeabculn seate. These verses are in black letter; the plate had been pilfered from some foreign memorial, or cancelled, possibly as erroneous in some particular, and exported from Holland or Flanders with the supplies of latten plate which were thence derived for the English market. On the reverse was found an inscription, in bolder character, half a century perhaps earlier in date, and in the Dutch language. heijleghe gheest meesters van westmoustre ende jndien gijluden daer af in ghebreke waren zoe zal tzelue goet co'men opt gilde van sinte Cornells Ouctaer nietter zeluer last alst altsamen breeder blijcken mach bij den fondacien daer af zijnde daer af een licht on der den kerckmeesters een onder de heijleghe gheest m'rs een onder den deken ende baleeders van sinte Come lis ouctaer een onder de vrinden Adriaen adrxz' en' een ond' de vriende' va' joncvrauwe paesschme vooru't. "We are indebted to Mr. Winter Jones for the following version of this inscription, which appears to record a gift to some fraternity, callc 1 the Masters of the Holy Ghost, of Westmoustre, for the maintenance of certain lights in a church, as specified probably in the upper part of the brass, now cut away. The language, as he observes, is Dutch, and cannot be very much older than the commencement of the sixteenth century. ..." Masters of the Holy Ghost of Westmoustre, and should you (or you people) fail herein, the same propertj' shall lapse to the Guild of the Altar of Saint Nicholas, with the same charge, as may be furtiier seen in the foundation thereof, being one light thereof amongst the churchwardens, one amongst the masters of the holy Ghost, one amongst the deacon and vergers (? ) of the altar of St. Nicholas, one amongst the friends (of) Adrian Adrianz (the son of Adrian) and one amongst the friends of the damsel Paesschme (or Paesschine) aforesaid." The second memorial eulogises the virtues of Margaret, relict of John Dauntesay, in twenty lines of a similar strain to his epitaph, above given. She lived a widow twelve years, and died Jan. 19, 1571. This inscription, like the former, is in black letter, and on the reverse of the plate is the fol- lowing fragment of an earlier memorial, in Roman capitals. IVNII '2 DIVTVRXA KT I'KNE TR11:KNa(li) KORITVDINE FRACt' INVICTO TAME ANIM(o) E VIVIS DECl'.SSIT. MARIA AC DULCIA FII.(iK) AMANTISSIME PIETAIIS KRGO MONVMF.NT(c.m)