Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 4.djvu/392

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368 NOTICES OF NEW PUBLICATIONS. avails himself of reference to accurate representations, such for example as the instructive plates of StotharcVs Monumental Effigies, amongst which eight of the examples selected in the "Chart of Armour" are to be found. Why deprive us of the opportunity of referring for more full information to his detailed and beautiful etchings? Why not encourage the student to seek further acquaintance with the remarkable monuments of Germany, similar to that of Giinther of Schwarzburg, so strikingly displayed by De Hefner, whose work has supplied that example^? Wherefore should those who enjoy advantages of access to the British Museum be debarred the gratification of consulting the admirable drawings of the late Mr. Kerrich, there preserved, from which the figure of Sir Robert Wingfield appears to have been derived, supplying as they do so much valuable information by their minute accuracy of detail and fidelity of design •=. We would insist on the prejudice arising from such omissions, not so much because full acknowledgment may be due to the author or the artist whose labours have De Hefner, Trachten des Cliristliclieu Miltelalters ; Costume du Moyen Age Cliretien, Manheim, 4to. Publislied in miiiihers, of which about ."0 have ap- peared. ■■ The original drawing may be found .11 Addit. MS. G728, (in the B. Museum,) f. 213, with the companion figure of Sir William Chamberlain. These beautiful examples were painted between HGI and 1180.