Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 5.djvu/487

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INDEX. 361 Roman Remains in Thames-street, •View, plans, and details of, 25—29 at Cailhury Castle, 193 • pottery discovered in Thames-street, 33 gardens in England, 296 • antiqnities found at Kingston on Thames, 327 • fiuern fonnd near Rugby, 329 • ligures with braces?, from Trajan's column, 339 ladies with bracelets, 341 armillaof gold found in Cheshire, 342 spears, various forms of, 342 n-edles and hair-pins, 343 amphora and wine-cart, 343 Rood-screen at Christchurch, Ilajits, '73, 142 Roots, Dr., Roman antiquities discovered by, 326 •Rugby, Warwickshire, Anglo-Roman quern found near, 329 Ryton-upon-Dunsmoor, tumulus opened, 217 Saint Denis, Monographie de I'Eglise de, notice of, 245 Sandbach, Cheshire, crosses at, 335 Saxon gardens mentioned in Domesday, 297 « bell found at Jlarden, Herefordshire, 329 • remains found at Long Wittenham and Blewbury, Berkshire, 291 Scarborough and its neighbourhood, the Churches of, reviewed, 170 •Screen at Kenneri, Western India, *Pilaster, 177 •Sculpture on the cross of Muiredach, Ireland, 242 •Sculptured CofRn-lids at St. Pierre near Chep- stow, 164 Seal of John, Earl of Mortaine, c. 1170, 3 of S. De Qnincy, Earl of Winchester, c. 1210,3

  • , impression of, in lead, of the tinners of

Cornwall, 65 • of Walter de Grendene, 66 • of steel with three facets, 163 Seals, personal, 1 ; of females, 2; plan for clas- sification of, 8 ; devices of trades, upon, 4 ; the wax used for, 3 ; of Gilbert de Ferrers, 57 , impressions from, exhibited, 165 /with the device of a pelican, j'A. ; with the royal arms and the church of New-Church, Romney Marsh, 166; with the device of a veiled female head, li. ; with four leaves, jA. ; with the head of an ecclesiastic, ib . ; of the rural deanery of Ospreng, i'j. ; with a Sara- cen's head, ib. ; with* a merchant's mark and monogram, ib. , early, formed of lead, 7 , materials of the matrices, 7 , heraldic insignia upon, 3 Secretum or privy seal, 2 Sepulchra Exposita, by the Hon. R. C. Neville, noticed, 235 •Sepulchral brass of Mauleverer, 67, 68 Slabs in Northumberland and Dur- ham, 253-8 •Shaftoe, East, Northumberland, coffin slab at, 2.33 Shaftoe, East, grave-stone at, 256 Shears on grave-stones the emblems of a female, not a clothier, 254 Sheep hogs, 318 Sinodun hill, Berks, Riman camp on, 287 Skeletons found near Blewbury, Berks, 284 Smirke, E., on obscure words in Charters, 20 — 24, 118, 273 his doubts on the supposed removal of the porch of St. Stephen's, Bristol, 333 Smith, Rev. A. C, communication of, 331 Smith's Dictionary of Greek and Roman Anti- quities, notice of, 338 Solars of the thirteenth century at Charney, 31 1; and fourteenth at Sutton Courtenay, 313 •Spears, Roman, various forms of, 342 Spink, a chaffinch, 318 Stag, a colt or young horse, 318 Stanton Drew, Somerset, name derived from a family called Drew, not from Druid, 321 St. Alban's Abbey Church, history of, 74 • , Norman details of, resembling Saxon, 75 ; •elevation of north transept, 77; •turret on south transept, ib. •St. G ill. Description of the Ancient Plan of the Monastery of, 85 St. Quiutin, a family named, located at Sudbury, temp. Edw. I., 223 Stockport, Cheshire, crosses near, 337 •Stone chalice, 244 Stow-in-Lindsey Church, 225 Strasbourg, the painted glass of, noticed, 356 Styles of Architecture in England, An Attempt to discriminate the, noticed, 82 Stylus, supposed, fonnd at Frittenden, Kent, 161 Sudbury, Suffolk, incised sepulchral slab at, 222 Super-altar at the Priory of the Holy Trinity at Aldgate, 153 Sutton Courtenay, Berks, house of the fourteenth century, 312 Symbolism, Mr. Poole's remarks on, 345 Mr. Petit 's remarks on, 348 Symbols on grave-stones, 257 •Tewkesbury Abbey, details of, 349 Abbey Church, Mr. Petit's descrip- tion of, noticed, 347 Thuribulum found at Chesterford, Essex, 236 •Tile monument, Jurai-'ges abbey, 234 •Tiles, medieval, 34—39