Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 7.djvu/215

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CHURCH OF GILLINGHAM, NORFOLK. 145 The following observations supply a concise description of the interior and exterior of this remarkable church of St. Mary's, Gillingham. (Apse.) The only remaining perfect Avindow is that on the north side, the one on the south side having been enlarged, and the east window has a modern w^ood frame. There is no aj^pearance of a piscina. (Chancel.) The windows, north and south, are Early English, and the Hagioscope appears to have been formed during that period. The bottom is boarded with oak. There appears to have been a plinth to the piers of the chancel arch ; but, as the pewing blocks it up, I cannot discover any more than what is showai on the plan. The chancel has a flat boarded ceiling ; between the chancel and nave there is a Jacobean Screen, wdiich presents some good points in its design and character. The PeriDendicular Screen is rather elaborately coloured ; the panels are painted red, with fleur-de-lis in white upon it ; the heads of the tracery are painted blue, the fillet of the moulding is green, and the hollow white. (Nave.) In the north-east angle of the nave is a large pew% with a canopy of the same date, or rather latei", than the James I. screen. On the north side of the nave, 5 ft. 6 in. w^estward of the chancel arch, is a niche wdth a flat Tudor- arched head, 4^ in. deep, 2 ft. 3^ in. w^ide, 2 ft. 6' in. to springing, and the bottom of the niche is 6 ft. 4 in. from the ground. Immediately under the window, on the north side of nave, is an arched recess, 2 ft. Ij^in. from the ground. The Pewing consists of the old seats cased with deal. The old open seats are, I think, late Decorated. The roof is waggon-headed, with spandril pieces, supported by angels bearing shields ; the wall-plate is embattled. (Tower.) The walls of the belfry stage, internally, are built of rubble-work composed of flint and freestone. There are three bells, one with "Anno Domini 1G18," in black letter ; the second is inscribed with the date, "Anno Domini 1579 ;" and the third has the inscription, " Sancta Trinitas Salva Me," in Church text. From the belfry stage, downward, the tow^er is of coursed flintwork on the internal face, and the jambs of the window^s in that stage are finished with rough-cast, flush with the stone dressings ; and the soffits of