Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/160

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118 NOTICES OF AECHAEOLOGICAL PUBLICATIONS. CHOICE EXAMPLES OF ART WORKMANSHIP, selected from the Exhibition of Ancient and Medieval Art, at the Society of Arts, ^ramx and eng-aved under the superintendence of Philip De la Motte. London : Cundall and Addey, I80I. The interest excited by the tem- porary museums formed during successive years in the cities visited by the Institute, and the readiness with which precious relics of ancient Art had been contributed, naturally gave rise to the desire that a more extended collection should be submitted to public inspection in the metropolis. The proposition, originated by one of the most zealous members of the Institute, to whom also the Society had been indebted for the first impulse in producing those local museums at their annual meetings, was suggested to the Society of Arts, and met with cordial encouragement. The powerful influence which the dis- play of such a series was calculated to produce upon the taste and manufactures of present times was cordially recognised. It is need- less to remind our readers how successful was the result ; that the design was honoured with the encouragement of Her most Gra- cious Majesty, and carried out under the auspices of the Prince Consort, with the distinguished committee of management, over which he consented to preside. The volume, to which we would invite notice, comprises a selection of examples from that rich series. It will ever be a cause of regret that so important an opportunity was not rendered available for the production of a memorial of the collection, which might have pre- sented, not so much an inventory of its contents, as a manual of the interesting Art-processes of medieval times, illustrated by ex- amples existing in our own coun- Chrismatory. From the Cabinet of ^j,„^ r^he valuable VOlumC by M. 11. Magniac, Ksq. J '