Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/365

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RENT-ROLL OF TIIK DUKK OF BUCKINOII AM. ^7;i sometimes paying the whole sum required, sometimes allowiiii:: the parents to pay a part of the cost of education, and cuii- tributing the rest himself We may suppose that hoys (»f promising abilities were selected, whose friends were little able to make any allowance or exliibition, and we must agree with Mr. Collier in regarding this as "most beneficial and enlightened liberality/' ^ There is an indorsement on this Roll, which nuist not be passed over ; it is entitled annuitates, a list of payments annually made to eighty-four persons, amounting altogethei* to the sum of 585/. 9.y. Id. It commences with an allowance of 100/. to the Duchess Anne, which, if ])in money, nuist have been a liberal allowance. This payment is followed by others to ten knights, varying from 40 marks to 20/. To twenty-seven esquires, 10/., 10 marks, and 5/. To Garter King at Arms, 40."?. To Buckingham the Pursuivant, 4/. To 4 females, Ehsabeth Drury and 3 others, annuities of 20/., 5/., and 5 marks. To 4 trumpeters, and 15 other persons, annuities of 40.?., 5 marks, 4 marks, and 20s. One entry may be noticed, " Thome Tyler, Tegulatori," as a plain proof of the origin of a surname from a trade or occupation. Amongst the knights and esquires are members of several distinguished families ; the larger proportion of them are of Cheshire blood, viz., Mainwaring, Warburton, Hanford, Egerton, Devonport, Venables, Grosvenour, and Donne (Done). This fact I have not been able to account for. The mere possession of Macclesfield Castle could not have led to so intimate a connexion between the Duke and the families of that county. The net revenue received from it is exceedingly small, only 4/, 6.y. From the border county of Staffordshire the revenue was large, and some few names of ancient families belonging to it are found in the list ; Curzon and Basset, for example. Many of these knights and esquires, if not all, may have been pages or members of the Duke's household. In the expenses of Whallcy Abbey there are gifts to Lord Stanley (6/. 13*. id.), and also to knights, escjuires, and gentlemen. For what services, in days of tranquillity, these ' Household Books, ut sKjva, p. xxvi.