Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/433

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THE ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE. iJS'j made by Mr. Yates, submitted to tho Meeting the proposed resolution, whicb was unanimously adopted ; and roeoniniended tbat the sulyect should be referred to the Central Committee, requesting them to prosecute this object as they might find favourable occasions arise, for the acliicvement of a purpose so desirable for public gratification and instruction. The Architectural Section assembled in the Chapter House, and tho Chair was taken by Edward Freeman, Esq. Mh. Georoe Puvce read a paper relating to the period of the erection of St. Mary Redclitfe churcli, and the persons by whom the various parts were built. He read also a memoir on examples of the early use of the pointed arch, in buildinfs existing in Bristol. Mr. Pope laid before tho meeting a plan of the vestiges of a Norman nave in Bristol Cathedral, the discovery of which had been related by him at a previous meeting of the section. Mr. Moore called the attention of the Society to the demolition of the ancient architectural features of Bridgwater Church, under the pretence of "Restorations." Mr, Freeman stated that he had used remonstrance in vain on this subject, and regretted to learn that the Somersetshire Archaeological Society bad interfered, without any effect. The concluding meeting took place in the Guildhall at One o'Clock. The Chair was taken by the President, J. Scaxduett Harford, Esq., who communicated the letters which be had received from Lord Teignnioulh, the Archdeacon of Bristol, Sir Thomas Acland, Col. Kawlinson, and other persons whose presence had been anticipated during the week, expressing their regret at having been unable to take part in the Proceedings. The Aimual Reports of the Committee and of the Auditors were then submitted, and unanimously adopted. The following list of members of the Central Committee, retiring in usual course, and of members of the Society nominated to fill the vacancies, was then proposed to the meeting, and adopted. Members selected to retire ; — The Earl of Enniskillen, Vice-President ; Henry Hallam, Esq. ; T. W. King, Esq. York Herald ; H. B. Lane, Esq. ; Rev. S. T. Rigaud ; Edward Smirke, Esq. ; and Sir Richard Westmacott. The following gentlemen being elected to supply the vacancies : — The Lord Talbot de Malahide, Vice-President ; The Hon. W. Fox Strangways, M.A. ; W. J. Bernbard Smith, Esq., Barrister-at-Law ; Joseph Burtt, Esq., Record Office, Chapter House, Westminster ; F. C. Penrose, Esq., M.A. ; Samuel Peace Pratt, Esq., F.R.S. ; and Anthony Salvin, Esq.. F.S.A. The following gentlemen were then unanimously elected as Auditors, for tbe year 1851 : — Charles Desborough Bedford, Esq., Doctors' Commons ; Edmund Oldfield, Esq., British Museum. The occasion having now arrived to determine the place of meeting for the ensuing year. The President stated, that the Institute had received several very cordial invitations from various parts of the Kingdom, especially from Lichfield ; from the Archaeological Institute of Suffolk ; and from New- castle. The central committee wished to reconnnend to the Society tho place last mentioned. It was accordingly resolved, that the meeting of the following year should take place at Newcastle ; it was also proposed by Lord Talbot, seconded by Mr. Hawkins, and carried by acclamation, that His Grace the Duke of Nortuumberland, Patron of the Society of