Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/526

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406 REMARKABLE OBJECT OF THE REIGX OF AMENOPHIS III. seen, while from it dart the sun's arrows or ra3"s, often terminating in hmnan hands,^ to show its demiurgic power. The growth of the heresy was not very rapid, aUhough it may have commenced in the reign of Thothmes IV. ,^ as at the close of the reign of Amenophis III., it had not attained the political preponderance. A great revolution, however, had inter- vened in the interval which elapsed between the death of Amenophis III. and the ascension of Horus, whom Manetho calls the son and successor of Amenophis III., and whose statue is carried as his chrect successor.'^ The destruction of the Pylon, built by the king Haremhebi, or Horus, at Karnak, revealed the fact that it had been built out of the materials of a former edifice, erected by a line intermediate between his reign and that of Amenophis III. Among the blocks some had the name and praenomen of a fourth AmenoiDhis, styled, "the Sun, greatest of created tilings" {Ra naa cheiyeru), Amenhetp, ruler of Upper Eg^^pt {Hek nasr) ; although he did not change his name he openly worships the heretic orb of hght.^ This king is supposed to have either been the son of an earher monarch, the so-called Skhai,^ or of Amenophis III., and to have succeeded him in Upper Egypt ; while Harem- hebi ruled in the North. ^ Before his elevation to the crown, he was priest of the sun, and from the honour Avith which he treats Taitai, the queen-mother, probably raised by her to the crown. ^ It does not appear certain because Taitai is men- tioned as " queen-mother," that she was therefore his mother, or because he worships Amenophis III. at Soleb, that this King was his father. No monument of him is known higher north than Hermopolis. There is a second monarch, whose name is read Amen-anchut,^ ruler of the Southern Peten (Lower Egypt), and who is supposed to be the elder brother of Amenophis III., or Horus ; "* but the remains of the constructions of this king found in the Pylon of Horus, were in connection with those of Amenophis III., and of a ^ Ibid. Prisse, Mon. Eg. pi. x^xi. * Lepsius chev. Ueber den ersten

  • Wilkinson (Sir G.), Slodem Egj-pt, Giitterkreis, Abhandl. k. Akad. Wissensh.

ii. 73, " the disk in Qieli) the midst of'the 4to., Berlin, 1851 s. 40, und folg. N. 1. palace " (of Thothmes IV.). who cites monuments not yet pub- ' Trans. R. S. L.; L'H6te and Prisse. lished. 1- c. 3 M_ De Rouge (Vic), Revue Archaeo- 8 Prisse, Mon. pi. xl. 3. logique. 1847. p. 123. ' Hincks (Dr. E.), on the defacement. ■• Bunsen, 1. c. Sir G. Wilkinson, Tr. p. 5. R. Soc. 1, 2, N. S., i. p. 52, n. 3, makes ' Bunsen (Chev.), iEgyptens Stellc. them Danaus and .^Egyptus. Bch. iii. 88.