Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 8.djvu/574

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uo IIS'DEX. Hill, 195; annular, from Lincolnshire, 213; found at Silchester, 245. Fitch. Mr. R., his silver seal, of Hengham Deanery, 7t3 ; ivory rappee-bottle ex- hibited bv, 208 ; ring found at Gnin- disbm-gh,'214. Foot-rule, Roman, from Caerleon, 160. Forrest, Mr., exhibits an ivory horn, 101 ; processional cross, monstrance, and a bronze chair of state, 102; sepulchral bi-ass, fi-om AVarwick, 208. Franks, Mr. A. W., Memoir on ancient Enamels, 51 ; exhibits enamelled plaque of the Passover, 92 ; Italian fictiUa, 196 ; tiles made by Bernard Palissy, ib.; his notes on porcelain manufactory at Bow, 204 ; on Samian ware, 205 ; on medalUons, by H. Reitz, 317. G. Gemel ring, Sir Thomas Gresham's, 214 ; one found in Dorset, 426. Gibson, Mr. W. Sidney, his correspondence regarding Lanchester, 198. GLAiiORGAXSHiRE, inscription in Cheriton church, 423. Glass, Roman, found at Hadstock, 35 ; at Worthing, 114 ; portrait of boy ■weaiing the bulla, 170 ; urns, found near Caer- leon, 219 ; notices of chemical analysis of, 352. — Painted,at Bingham's Melcombe,l 00; fragments in Mr. Faulkner's possession, 423. Gloucestershire. Discoveries at Cirencester, 187, 415. Goa, ivory horns sculptured there, 102. Godstow, documents from the Cai-tulary of, 281. Graves, Rev. J., his account of an Irish urn, 200. Gresham, Sir Thomas, his gemel betrothal ring, 214. Guest, Jlr., Memoir on the Belgic Ditches, 143. Gunner, Rev. W., on Bursar's Accounts, Winchester College, 79; ancient candle- sticks exhibited by, 100; on a great seal of Edward HI., 246. H. Hailstone, Mr., enamels in his Museum, 207; singular works of cuir-bouilli, 208. Hampshire. Candlesticks found at Winchester, 100 ; penannvdar gold rings found with Saxon coins at Soberton, ib. : ancient ship, at Southampton, 192 ; Samian ware, at Bittern, 205 ; Memoir on Silchester, 227 ; Egbury camp, 241 ; crosier found at Hyde Abbey, 319. Hardwick, Sir., medieval glazed ware ex- hibited by, 103. Haeington, Rev. Dr., Memoir on St. Mary's church, Oxford, 125. Hart, Mr., exhibits miniature of Robert Car, Earl of Somerset, 208 ; painting of our Saviour, 320. Hartshorne, Rev. C. H., on the Castle and Provisions of Oxford, 354. Hawkins, ]Ir., Memoir on gold ornaments connected with the Dese Matres, 35 ; on penannular gold rings foind in Hants, 100; exhibits accuser and glazed vessels from AATiittlesea Mere, 195. Hawkins, Mr. Rohde, exhibits an oriental vessel and incense burner, 207. Hedingham Castle, survey of, 212. Hengham, Norfolk, seal x)f Rural Deanery, 76. Hewitt, Mr., exhibits sepiilchral brasses, 214 ; his memoir on knightly effigies at Sandwich and Ash, 291 ; notices of ailettes, 303 ; exhibits a helm, t. Richard I., 420 ; account of ancient cannon, 421. Hilton Park, Staffordshire, aeolipile there, 192. Hoare, Mr., accoimt of metal cups found in CO. Cork, 315. Hook, bronze, found in Norfolk, 191. Hondm-as, stone rehcs from, 422. Hope, Mr. A. Beresford, enamelled cross in his collection, 58. Himter, Rev. J., enamelled triptych ex- hibited by, 108. Hurley Priory, Bucks, seal of, 74. Hussey, Mr. E., stilyard weight exhibited by, 426. Hyde Abbey, crosier found at, 319. Hypocaust, at Hadstock, 33. Inventory, of armory, Winchester College, 87. Ireland. Celts and implements of bronze, 91 ; arrow heads, 197 ; urn foimd in co. Kilkenny, 200; remarks on por- celain seals found, 209 ; metal cups in Mr. E. Hoare's collection, 315; notices of proceedings of Kilkenny Archaeological Society, 121, 222, 430, 435 ; account of crannoges and anti- quities found in co. Roscommon, 414.