Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 9.djvu/324

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348 THE ALIEN PRIOKY OF ANDWELL. Ego Giiltenis,cli- vina miseracioue E'pus Cai-uoteu- sis eccl'ie, legi verbo ad verbuiu in autcntieosicut contineturinpre- scute rescripto. SEL. Ego Guido Ab- bas Sc'i Petri Caruotensis legi, &e. Ego Guarinus Abbas Sc'i Joh'is de Valleia legi, &c. Ego Guarinus Abbas Sc'i Marie de Josaphat legi, &,c. Ego Petrus ab- bas Sc'i Karauni Carnotensis legi, &c. SliAL.* Soal of Guido, Abbot of Chartres, and Reverse, dated 1224. In giving a short account of the Priory of Andwell, I shall be led on to offer some remarks on the family of de Port, by whom it was founded and endowed, and I shall hope to throw some light upon their pedigree. I am not able to fix the date of the foundation, but from such indications as I can find, I am disposed to assign it to the reign of Henry I. The following charter of that king, confirming to the monks the grant made by Adam de Port of certain lands in Nately, is, with the exception of the grant itself, unquestionably the earliest of the charters still in existence relating to the endowment of this Priory. H: Rex Angl: Archiepiscopis, Episcopis, Comitibus, Baronibus, Vicecomitibus, ministris, et omnibus suis Franci- genis, et Anglicis, totius Anglie, Salutem : Sciatis me concessisse deo, et Abbati et Monachis de Tyrun, pro

  • Alexander the Third sat from 11,5.0

to 1 1 )! I . Of the seals appended to the above (.-urious dociimeiit, only one remains, viz. that of Guido, Abbot of St. Peter at Chartres. It is oval in shape, and repre- Bcnts the Abbot with crosier and book. The circumscription is >J< S. Guidonis : Abbatis : S. Petri. Carnotensis. The re- verse is a half length figure of St. Peter, with the circumscription An'o D'ni Mccxxiiii non. Octob. fc'm fui. Of these, cuts ai"e giveu above.