Page:Archaeological Journal, Volume 9.djvu/505

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INDEX. ■1(17 Itinerary of Antoninus, new oJitiou, by Partliey and Pindor, .'i.'l 1 . Saxon ()bsi'<|iiie8, by the lion. 11. C. Neville, 'Mo. R. Richardson, Mr., notice of use of Alabaster ior tonil)s, 'J.'Xi ; of discoveries at Kil- burn, .'5)17. Ritkiiiaii, Mr., remarks on liis system of arciiitectural nomenclature, 170. Rieux. France, church noticed, 145. Rings, Jewish, in possession of Lady Fel- lows, i)ii ; French, inscribed, of gold, 99 ; silver, found at Limerick Cathedral, 107 ; with trefoiled head, found at London Hridj,'e, 109 ; gold, found in Isle of Man, 110; found near Oxford, ib. ; silver, of Roman work, at Lincoln, 200 ; decade ring, found in Surrey, 297 ; bearing a merchant's mark, in possession of Hon. W. F. Strangways. 30.5. Roemer, Dr., German seals from his collec- tions, 200. Rolls, Mr., exhibits decorative tiles from Monmouth, 298. Roman Antiquities, in the British Museum, 9, 12; discoveries at Cirencester, 91 ; at Bath, 106 ; Kings' Sedgmoor, Somer- set, 107 ; unj)ublished coin of Carausius, 194 ; excavations at Fleam Dyke, 22C ; Newhaven, Sussex, 28,5 ; sword of Tiberius, found at Castel, exhibited, 304. Sacrilege, ancient punishment of, in Den- mark, 285. Salisbury, conii)laiut against the mayor of, in 1611, 103. Samian ware, fr.agroent bearing unknown inscription, found at Exeter, 9 ; vessel of, found near Dorcliester, 93 ; at the Fleam Dyke, 229 ; at Newhaven, Sussex, 285. Saxon Antiquities, in British Museum, 10 ; African ornaments, compared with Saxon, 90; brooch, found in Westmore- land, 90 ; gold ornament, from Suffolk, 107 ; brooches, &c., in Mr. Whincopp's collection, 115; buckle, 1 16 ; brooch, found in Warwickshire, 179 ; found at Ringwould, Kent, 304. Scarth, Rev, H., account of Raby Castle, 382. Scharf, Mr., exhibits drawings of an em- balmed corpse found at St. Stephen's, Westminster, 1 10. Scilly Isles, antiquities found there, 96. Scotland. Arinilla from co. Perth, in BriiiHh Museum, 1(1; notice of Htate of Kirk- wall Catli.'dral, 196; draughtMinan, exhibitcil by Mr. Innis, •_>.'i7 ; in- scription on cross at St. ViL'eun'a. 286. ' Schwarzach, Germany, sculpture at, 388. SiiAts, matrices lately purchased for Britisli Museum, 1 1 ; seven seals of Earls of Oxford, 27 ; connnon seal of Win- chester, 88; counterseal, 89; Italian, in po.sse.ssion of Mr. Lyte, 98 ; Italian, exhibited by Mr. Alniack, 99 ; kaden seal found at Sleaford, ilj. ; seal of Vice Custos, Grey Friar.s, Cambridge, i/,.; of jet, exhibited by Mr. Willson, 1 09 ; of Theobald, Abp. Cantuar., noticed, 193 ; Italian, exhibited by Mr. R. Hawkins, 195; Italian, by Mr. Franks, lb. ; seal of Evesham Abbey, 200; casts of German seals exhibited, 200 ; ofGuido, Abbot of Chartres, and dated counter- seal, 248; of Andwell Priory, 251 ; privy seal of Roger Bigod, 297 ; seal of Sevcnoaks School, 298 ; seal of Oswold de Bolton, 305; of Gilbert, Bp. of Euachdune, 359 ; seal of oriental porcelain, 388 ; seal of W. de Raythebv, 389. "^ Seeman, Mr., account of antiquities on Isthmus of Panama, 1 98. Sevenoaks, seal of Grammar school, 298. SiiARPE, Mr., memoir on Geometrical Period of Gothic Architecture, 170. Shaw, Mr., his publication on Pavements of Tiles and Historical Portraits, 210. Shirley, Mr., exhibits glass beads Irom Ireland, 199. Shoe, ancient, from North Wales, 114; diminutive, of bronze, found in co. Cork, 387. Slaus, incised, at Little Hampton, Here- fordshire, 98 ; at Cracow, 113; Laon, 114; Bamberg, 190; Laou and St. Q,uentin, 383. Slymbridge, ball found at, 336. S.MiKKE, Mr., memoir on Consuetudinary of Winchester, 69 ; on the of tin in ornamenting girdles, 281 ; exhibits gems and ornaments from Asia Ihiinor, 296. Smith, Mr. A., exhibits antiquities from Scilly Isles, 96. Smith, Mr. W.J. Bernhard, exhibits images attributed to the Vandals, 106 ; double barrelled dag and wheel-lock jiistol, 110; steel casket and rapier blade, 120 ; wheel-lock r.fle, 196 ; adze of jade from New Zealand, 2!»d ; Italian pistols, ib. ; powder Hasks and spanner, 3i)5 ; terra-cotta lamj), spear-head, A:c., 388 ; iron weight and enamelled es- cutcheon, 389.