Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/478

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384 /Sloan's Architectural Review and Builders' Journal. [Dec, ing to the plans and specifications afore- said; and to insure on his part the per- formance of this part of these presents, it is further agreed that John Archer, of the City of Myriadopolis, Carpenter, be and the same is herebj - appointed Super- intendent, who shall have power to in- spect, and accept or reject any work done, or materials it may be proposed to use in or about the construction of the house aforesaid, and whose decision shall be final and conclusive, without question or appeal, as between the par- ties hereto. And the said Jacob Jones, the party of the first part, as aforesaid, in con- sideration of the above premises, doth for himself, his executors, administrators and assigns, covenant, promise and agree, well and truly to pay, or cause to be paid, unto the said party of the second part, his executors, administra- tors or assigns, the sum of twenty-four thousand and seventy-one dollars and sixty-two cents ($24,071.62), good and lawful money of the United States, in eight (8) several payments, in manner following, to wit : On the first day of March, Anno Domini one thousand eight hundred and sixty-nv/e, or as soon thereafter as the icalls of the cellar shall have been com- pleted, and the first tier of joists is laid, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars. When the walls are up one story high, and the second tier of joists is laid, the sum of one thousand dollars. When the walls are up two stories h igh, and the third tier of joists is laid, the sum of one thousand five hundred dollars. W hen the walls are up three stories high , and the fourth tier of joists is laid, the sum of lioo thousand five hundred dollars. When the walls are up to the full height, and the roof is completed, the sum of three thousand dollars. When the floors are laid, and all parts ready for plastering, the sum of four thousand dollars. When the plastering is all completed, the sum of four thousand dollars. And on the first day of December, Anno Domini one thousand eight hun- dred and sixty-nine, or as soon there- after as the building shall have been completed and delivered as aforesaid, the sum of six thousand five hundred and seventy-one dollars and sixty-two cents. And it is further agreed between the aforesaid parties, that all alterations of the annexed plan or specifications, by which the costs of building niaj' be either increased, or diminished, shall be endorsed on these articles and signed by the parties, before they shall be deemed binding on either party And for the performance of all and every the articles and agreements, above mentioned, the said Jacob Jones and John Smith, do hereby severally bind themselves, their executors, administra- tors and assigns, each to the other, in the penal sum of fifty thousand dollars, lawful money, as aforesaid, firmly by these presents. In witness whereof, the said parties have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and j'ear aforesaid. Jacob Jones, [seal.] John Smith. [seal.] Signed and sealed in the presence of Samuel Slocum. Thomas Quickly. For the faithful performance of all and singular the covenants, agreements and promises, contained in the above articles on the part of John Smith, the party of the second part aforesaid, we do hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves, our executors, 'administrators and assigns, to the aforesaid Jacob Jones, his executors, administrators, or as- signs. AA r itness our hands and seals, the day and year aforesaid. Henry Ward. [seal.] Richard Black, [seal.] Signed and sealed in presence of Samuel Slocum. Thomas Quickly.