Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/691

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1809.] Descriptions. 557 ber will be a room nineteen >y thirty- seven feet, for a Library and Museum of Pittsburgh Art Productions. The balance of the second floor is arranged with Committee Rooms, and offices for the City Solicitor and Assessor of Water Rents. AMERICAN BRACKETED VILLA. THE illustration we here present is a perspective view of a Villa erect- ed recently near Philadelphia. It is in our National Bracketed Styie, which, in rural architecture, so prevails in this country as to entitle it to that distinct- ive name. It is constructed of brick, standing on a basement of stone, and having stone trimmings. The substan- tial verandah, with its capacious shade, adds beautj'- and comfort to the dwell- ing. The gabled projection of that por- tion which is embellished with a bay- window tends, with the other gables on front and side, to break up the lines, and prevent that monotony, which must otherwise have had such a very disa- greeable effect on the observer. The arrangement of the plan is calcu- lated to give ample accommodation, and that convenience, which tends so much to domestic comfort. The following is a description of the plan, as built: A, Hall with staircase. B, Drawing-room. C, Parlor. D, Dining-room. E, Stairs.