Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/772

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626 Tlie Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal. [April, The bath-room will be fitter! up with ] bath-tub, lined with copper, tinned, and have a supply of hot and cold water, with tubular shower over it. A wash- basin will be fitted up in the bath- room, with marble top counter-sunk, and closet beneath. A furnace will be set in the cellar, so arranged, as to warm all the rooms, except the one over the kitchen. The registers to be of a good kind, and of proper sizes. The above is a brief description of the materials proposed to be employed, and the manner in which the work is to be executed, for a building of the class, we have here presented, which is taken as a basis for a Bill of Quantities, hereto appended, comprehending both homes: 231 yards excavations, at 40 cents per yard 68 perches of stone in cellar walls at $2 per perch Laying the same, including mortar, at $3.50 per perch 78 perches in partition wall, at $2 per perch Laying the same, including the mortar, at $4 per perch 150 perches of face-work, at $3.50 per perch for the stone Laying the same, including the mortar and dressings, at $6 per perch 14,000 feet of joists at $22 per M 4,000 feet of scantling, for the roof, at $22 per M 4, GOO feet of scantling, for par- titions, &c, at $22 per M... 4 500 feet sheathing-boards, at $28 per M 4,800 feet flooring, at $45 per M Window frames, including sash Inside shutters Outside shutters to back build- ing Mill-work dressings Washboard and moulding to same $92 40 136 00 238 00 156 00 312 00 525 00 900 00 308 00 88 00 101 20 126 00 216 00 420 00 300 00 40 00 375 00 Framing and laying the joists Preparing the roof for slate and tin, including the cor- nices Constructing the porches and balconies Doors, all complete Putting up stairs, including materials Preparing the building for plastering Finishing, after plastering 1,400 j'ards of plastering, at 50 cents per yard Stucco cornices and centre- pieces Painting and glazing 2,500 feet of tin on roof and gutters, at 14 cents per square foot , 1,500 feet of slate roof, at 14 cents per foot $80 00 165 00 210 00 300 00 350 00 245 00 320 00 700 00 65 00 590 00 350 00 210 00 5,048 60 130 00 TIIE PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL FOR THE INSANE, At Philadelphia. department for males. THE Pennsylvania Hospital for the Insane is situated in the twenty-fourth ward of the city of Phila- delphia, on a fine tract of one hundred and thirteen acres of beautifulhy undu- lating land — with fine groves of forest trees — which has been greattyimprovecl by judicious planting, by laying out and making several miles of carriage-drives and dry foot-walks, and by the construc- tion of green-houses and summer-houses, to add to their attractiveness. It con- sists of two departments, that now re- served for females, which building was first opened in 1841, for both sexes, and that for males, which was first used in the year 1859. Each of these is a com- plete hospital, and each has all the ar- rangements that science and experience