Page:Architectural Review and American Builders' Journal, Volume 1, 1869.djvu/793

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1869.] Descriptions. 643 bearing figures of Our Lord and the Twelve Apostles, after the designs of Overbeck. The Arcade is decorated, externally, with alternate polished shafts of red and black granite, standing free, whose capitals are carved with olive foliage and the appropriate apostolic sj r mbols. The Church has an Open-timbered Roof, of polished chestnut, novel, but beautiful in design, illuminated with gold and vermilion. Rich Borders, with texts and other decorations in color, are introduced in the interior. The Baptistry and Organ- Room, on either side of the chancel, open into it, and into the church, by Arches. Those in the chancel are car- ried on polished red columns, with white marble capitals, carved with water-lilies. The design of the Font — suggested by Mrs. Colt, and being . carried out by Mr. Moffitt, Sculptor — consists of Three Children, supporting a Shell, executed in white marble ; and is in- tended as a memorial. At the west end of the Church, is a large Memorial Window, of elaborate design and beautiful coloring, which — as well as the other windows, (all of which are filled with stained-glass) — is by Mr. Sharp. We now introduce, as above, an en- graving of the Screen, which divides